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How could I unlock all the GALERIA when I finished the story ? I have downloaded and play ed over four times ,I'm tired to unlock it one by one everytimes.

(1 edit)

Strange indeed, that should have been enough to open everything...

Well, make sure you've played all paths the game have.

Yes , I have unlocked everything , but I deleted the game after then ...(cry), and play new version with the old player method , so they're locked again .


Não estou conseguindo comprar


so the demo is gonna be stuck at 0.6.91?


I don't think so, I believe it will be brought to the current version that it's in right now then it will be at that version for the demo permanently, please support this game as it is definitely one of the best games on I've played.


i would if i could tho tbh

(1 edit) (+1)

0.7.9 is going to be the last update for the demo, thus, the last update that comes for free.

The demo will contain enough content for people to familiarise themselves with the game and see if they like it and will want to purchase the full version.

As usual, this will all happen once 0.8 version is released. 


А когда следующее обновление


Автор писал что примерно в Октябре-Ноябре будет




Is it animated?


Yes, and it really worth it


ok i'll give it a try👍

Deleted 304 days ago

You can access the gallery within the game, to view game’s content there.
Options -> Gallery


Would we need to buy the game again when they update to the new engine?


De ce qu'on m'a dits, non. C'est une vrais plateforme comme steam donc tu achète et c'est bon. En tout cas j'espère😂


you would be surprised! alot of people lock the new version behind the exact same price you paid for the earlier one, its what i was worried about too 

vous seriez surpris ! beaucoup de gens verrouillent la nouvelle version derrière exactement le même prix que vous avez payé pour la précédente, c'est ce qui m'inquiétait aussi

(i used google translate just to make it easier for you it probably is very incorrect)


it seems like google translated it correctly don't worry about it.
i would recommend using reverso tho, google can be pretty dumb some times


really hope the strength quest gets updated soon....can't wait to be able to punish the idiouts were up against without needing help....being a level 4 noob is just....dissapointin


oh man I can't wait for Noriko update I don't why I like her lol 

(1 edit) (+2)(-16)

Empty night. Talk about ruining a fuckin game. That shit with the chick who wants to do porn forcing mc to break up with tiny girl and his fake mom... worst. episode. ever. Why is there no option to tell her to f off? The character is ruined now so there might as well be that option.

Finished the arc. Damn that was really bad. Really, really bad. If this was a steam game i'd ask for a refund bad.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Well, considering the plot, if there was an otpion like you want to, that would lead to a bad end, so i dont see the point

honestly, the story is relatively well done and interesting until now so

+ it was told that this chapter and maybe the next one would be more linear (no impact choice), of course that would be incredible to have choice everywhere, but that's a lot of work, and neglecting the quality over the quantity would'n be appreciable

personaly i like how the game went, i mean, usualy nsfw games have sh*tty story, or realy cliche plot, this one have a more intense story than most of others games of this kind, and the story is deeper too, the atmosphere is heavy, and that's unusual for this kind of game, so original and greatly done

in the end it all depend of the preferences, but i think the game go in a good way for now, this is one of my favorite precisely because the story is interesting and have a unique atmosphere unless all other games of the same kind i know

so in the end you're right to don't like something, but something isn't bad because you don't like it, in the same way something isn't good because you like it, there is your opinion, and the objective opinion, this isn't the same


Hey! Are you interested by any chance to have your game in Arabic?

(1 edit) (+5)(-6)

No brother, because this game/novel is haram


Oh alright man thanks for letting me know!

(3 edits) (+4)

Are we going to have any sexual scenes with Akira? Because personally I’m kind of into it. It probably won’t happen, but I’m into it.

Other than that I hope there will be a harem ending, polyamorous ending, & monogamous ones. Basically I kind of hope that if we get powerful enough, work hard enough, get skilled enough, etc… we’ll actually be able to make a harem work. I also hope that we’ll have routes where we can match up our guy friends with some of the girls. Before that I’d hope we could influence some change in them though, but maybe we wouldn’t need to lol.

I just wanna be able to go through multiple interesting stuff.

I wanna be able to go through a route where I feel powerful as shit & can possibly harem if I choose the right choices & have the right amount of charm, smarts, strength, etc…

At the same time I also wanna be able to match my guy friends up with some nice girls & wanna be able to match the girls with some actually decent guys.

Also, I kinda hope that we will see actual physical changes on the character as we progress in strength, stamina, & agility, cuz a lot of games don’t do that. With this one though it should be fine either way, the story is captivating & the characters are awesome so I don’t mind if it doesn’t happen, I just enjoy feeling like our character is actually progressing.




are there ntr ? i need to know

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

nope, no ntr


bro……,after i play you should add “yet” to the sentence . the story is as sus as it can be but still as depressed as my heart can handle , you should had warn me before i step into it . hope my heart and my gaming experience will be ready for it


I'm gonna leave my kunai here I be back if it's already fully release.....


I must say the new Gog page looks great!

btw from my understanding - after 7.9 you guys will permanently keep the demo at that version? I'm gonna assume the paid access would still be available for everyone on this platform? 

(1 edit)

Where i can download the older version?


The older versions are literally the current ones, but with less content, and more bugs (depending on which version you play). So I’m not sure why you would want that :) this said, there are a few links for older downloads in the Discord server. They may be down, because we don’t maintain the older versions though.

ooo i see.. btw, do you know 0.7.9 release date


today like rn


Can anybody give me game reccomendations similar to this one?


Can't wait to fuck Noriko


I accidentally bought the game twice, who would I contact for a refund for one of them?


Contact support ;)

(2 edits)

Through Patreon which I have to pay to message you, or Discord?

IItch.iodoesntvseem to have support staff of their own in regards to a matter like this.


You need to contact the support, as is stated in this post: You can follow the instructions that were written by the admin there. From experience their support can be pretty slow to respond, but I’m sure they’ll get through :)

Thank you kindly. I must have missed this while reading over's support page.

I bought this game back when it was at version 0.6.2 and it hasn't updated since. The game doesn't auto update nor can i find an update link anywhere. 

(2 edits)
 Or your check your email for invoice letter.

(1 edit)

I tried that just now, it keeps loading the old version. I even uninstalled it and reinstalled. It does not swap to the 0.7 version.

I wonder how to unlock the CG Befriending Asami ,and how long I still need to play to unlock all Befriending Asami CG(I mean,do I need to complete all main story line again?)

Now I had sex with Asami after playing game already,do I have any chance unlock the CG in this time?

Please,there are the only CGs I have not unlocked.


You will have to replay this part of the game. Most likely CG you've missed is related to the moment where you're playing a video game against Asami.

If you win, you ask one of the 3 questions (and so on several times)

Play around with those questions to open several CGs.
One of the questions will unlock an anal option during the sex scene, which also will unlock another CG.

Thanks a lot!


any idea on about when youre gonna be able to release 0.8?


(1 edit)

Roughly in Autumn, but mind that thing can change.


Hope Asumi's mother and Natsumi will have their own lewd scene with the MC. I love the art style so much btw


Been awhile since I checked in here. I feel like the banner is kind of a spoiler. Not sure if that was an obvious turn in recent releases but it certainly caught me by surprise. Still unhappy with the Chiaki change but keep coming back for Noriko. If she gets changed too I'm probably gonna drop this. Otherwise keep up the great work, looking forward to the next release.


Sorry to hear about the sheer amount of piracy and steam being hypocrits.
I bought your game.

I went the nice route and so I've not seen much content yet.
I hope .8 includes more of the nice route!

Keep up the good work! :-)


Bro I don't know why people like ntr so much, lIke I understand if YOU want to ntr other people, but some people just like getting ntr?! Like what the hell? You like watching your girl getting f like sneako? Man.


There's no NTR planned man, you're getting delusional.


That’s not your girl and that's a fictional character😭. They are not real.


Still doesn't make it any less cringe,disgusting🤢🤮 and inhumane. You can't defend it cause it's bad no matter what.


It's fictional, as a sensible person you would not care if It's bad or not because it's not real. 


How the hefk do you understand wanting to ntr other people? It sucks. It's evil, disgusting🤢🤮 and inhumane asf. How tf do you understand wanting to hurt others for no damn reason? You make no sense mate. Ntr sucks and is vile and evil no matter what.


is there a walkthrough? 


I really want to buy this game, but my bank card does not support purchasing. Is there really no way to make this game available on Steam


why not trying different methods like paypal or something?

(3 edits) (+1)

same I want them to import game into Steam too 

But I heard that they try to import the game into Steam so many times but they can’t do that by some stupid reason from Steam

Fun fact this game just good vanilla can’t pass but I don’t know sometimes reason why Hardcore H game in Steam they can pass it why????

And if game sell on Steam I buy it again


Where can I get Chinese?

(3 edits) (+1)










The structure is "game/tl", there is a "simplified_chinese" folder inside.

The game itself also has a "game/tl" structure, just drop the "simplified_chinese" folder into it.

If you're on Android, download the same:


First of all, you need to know the package name of the game (com.rngeusex.goodbyeeternity), it is located in android/data, go to the folder that corresponds to the package name, enter the files folder, and put the entire "game" folder into it.


Did you ever think of putting an ntr storyline in the game?


It's a question I'm often asked, and I always answer the same thing: no NTR is planned, now or ever.


 Finally, I can calm down

Deleted 225 days ago

yo is there gonna be an akira scene or is it exclusively females


No Yaoi content planned for this game

(2 edits) (+2)(-4)

Incest patch? The game doesn't feel like there's actually incest when you rename the characters to Mom and Sister cause others would call them Mom and Sister too and the way they talk and interact also makes it seem like they aren't related eventhough you said that they originally were while other games which avoid incest make it obvious that they are totally blood related and there's an incest patch to change the relationships so maybe you could create an incest patch for those who want it.


Maybe it was originally planned that way, but it's been modified, I have no intention of creating this type of patch.

If I paid for it before, do I need to pay for it again ?


no, the game is yours now


how can i buy this game when i'm from Russia?


when will demo update to 7.X?

After the paid release of 0.8 version.

do i havt to start a new game i have update instlled wean i load says 391


How do I go to Sakuya's Room?

It's the only room I need for cheats

(2 edits)

Her room is currently unavailable, and actually you don't need it to unlock the cheat menu.

wont work lmao-

How can i open all gallery animations?

(I have payed last version)

I have to do it all by myself playing game another time, or somehow i can open it?

Plz help!!!


It's a multi-choice game, so you need to play it several times, with the different choices in order to unlock everything.


Dont like it, but ok

Before i buy the game since ive never bought a game that isnt fully done, if it updates do i have to re-buy the game?

(1 edit) (+2)

Nope, you don't need to.
It's one-time purchase.

Yup, it looks like you just buy it, and then it is available for download at the top of the page for the game.

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