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I need it in Spanish pliss

Is there animations on Android user my PC broke

Yes, they are

Deleted 245 days ago

I play the game normally, but if I click a little faster, there will also be a splash

Hey Goodbye Eternity Team, just wanted to update and give feedback on new update.

Game crashes suddenly at times especially after animations or during it and moving to transitions.

If it helps I have a Google Pixel 7. 

Hope you guys are able to find a fix slowly.:)

Also can someone recommend the right graphic settings I should use on android? 


Can i get all CG savefiles?


Are you gonna fix this game? It keeps crashing. I thought it was so fun before.


Give em some time, update just rolled out. Trust the team, they'll fix it


Collapse also makes me very uncomfortable


I played and didn't see any errors, it just happened when you use the skip button and I think the developers did it on purpose, so play and read the character's lines.


I get it, but I wanted to leave off of where I started but the save files didn't carry. So I'm tryna fly past xD 


Yep crashes a lot. Shame you'll have to start over again too. I did try moving the saves

(1 edit) (+1)

The game crashes so much since the Godot conversion, it's unbearable.

Dont know why but win version downloads a .exe and not a .zip file


Because the engine changed from Renpys to Godot


Yo please tell me nothin bad is gonna happen to my boy Todo- I mean Macumba 😭


💀 todo

(1 edit) (+2)

What is the reason why the game always crashes? Even after updating to 0.91, it still crashesWhat is the reason why games always crash,


0.9 was well worth the wait. a little buggy and unstable but its kinda to be expected with the massive engine switch.

easily the best 2d VN sandbox h-game on itch rn tbh, art-wise and story-wise though there are a few oddities in text im unsure about (e.g. wording and pacing in h-scenes can be a little strange, but other than that it's mostly clean)

a little worried about the  0.10 cliffhanger


gonna need to know but without spoiling too much, will there actually be NTR / rape by Netoru? i reckon that's not on many people's list, and i think every fan collectively wants to see minoru get his shit kicked in


No, they will not add ntr/rape to the gam


I hope Chinese patches can also be released in a timely manner

(1 edit)

Also, I have a question. In previous version, I suddenly made the harem route (I've had Noriko in the end, Yasuka and Asami).will there be future consequences in the future versions? I mean, maybe some of them can break up or something.


I just bought the game. It wont run becaues of a vulkan driver issue. I played version 0.7.9 and it ran fine. is there anything I can do? Playing on a 12 year old laptop with readon graphics

try launching exe file in opengl mode

Hi. Thanks for the suggestion, but I have upgraded so no more problems. Love the game so far.

Hey there. I'm just here to say that new features are amazing! I mean, now I can see, which route I'm going previous versions, I accidentally have chosen Asami's Corruption Route, but now it's much easier to breath. Thank you! (also, thanks for not adding NTR to the game.)


The wait over 180 days since the 0.8 update has been worth it. 3 new scenes for noriko and 1 for sakuya.

Getting a bug when checking dojo if bullies are gone.


With the new update there are NTR scenes (I hope not) and in the future will it have these scenes (I hope not)?

They have stated a couple of times they are HARD against ntr


Sorry but I didn't understand that is a yes, no or maybe?

(1 edit)

No. Means they will never implement NTR.


Game opens "The End of Time" Screen then instantly crashes even on 0.9.1 fix.

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looks like new version is having issues with android emulators. It just wont run. Dont want to install this kind of thing on my PC and phone directly


''Dont want to install this kind of thing on my PC and phone directly''


because the installer is being flagged as a virus by windows and android. and i just cant.. that's why I use emulators. but the new engine seems to be crashing on any emulator I know.


Why doesn't it play smoothly after updating?

hi. i just buy the game and its not working. i have white screen


Is there gonna be a x-ray vision in the game?


just a heads up the game crashes after long skipping of text and closes game

I waited a lot of time for a Noriko update, it's finally here and it's way better than I expected! Keep it up with the good work guys, and I really hope we see more about Noriko in the future


El juego esta en español?

Does the game have a Spanish language?




I get to the The End Of Time screen startup and then it just crashes. Is there something I am missing here. I used to run the old versions.


When you make savegames unusable and force people to start over, please give us an option to skip content. It's just not reasonable to be expected to re-read so much old text or spam the  skip button for 25 minutes. This goes for all small devs, I think sometimes you greatly overestimate the replayability of your games.


Sorry, the game was just ported to the new engine, so, the old options might be missing.



Yall need some better hardware, runs perfectly fine on my PC. Never crashed once. I get that we need to play the friendship route for Asami to get Sayuri, but veterans start would be good for those who want to get straight into Norikos femdom route


It doesn't run on any of my Android emulators. I dont install this on my PC so not sure if someone has same problem


im waiting for bug fix bcs when there is the part of the quest to take a look at the dojo if the thugs are there nothing happens


too much crash to skip fluently

i know this is probably stupid but if i buy this game and it updates again will i have to pay for it again, im only asking because ive never bought anything on this site before.

nah you can download the updates from your libary

(1 edit) (+5)

How soon can we expect another hot fix? 

Several bugs still.

Constant crashing, I have to save scum the hell out of the game on Android just to be able to play. Crashes probably every 5-10 minutes.

Sprites sometimes don't trigger. No characters on screen, just dialogue.

When pressing fast-forward, text is cutoff and jumbled.

The game will sometimes not let me select a character to speak with and instead just constantly flashes the white aura, have to save the load to fix it.

Choices appear where they shouldn't. Had the sleep option trigger at the front door after loading a save from before the game crashed in the bedroom. Had the same option trigger again at the park the next day.

For a game I've paid money for this is exceptionally disappointing. 

Edited to add: if I'm going to constantly save scum, can you at the least add a quick save button as part of the UI so I can do it quickly and not go through a menu that takes too long to load?


no save from 0.8?


it changed engines from Renpy to Godot, so there is no way to keep save compatibility

damn, would be nice to have the veteran story mode or whatever so it skips everything

What would be the benefit of switching from Ren'Py to Gadot for a visual novel?

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