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First rollout with Godot instead of RenPy is a little rough, but not surprising. What Godot gives you in freedom you pay for in pain. Looking forward to seeing things get ironed out, some issues you just will never find until real people try and then you feel stupid for not noticing earlier (at least I do)


As a big fan of this game, please understand everything im about to say comes from a place of wanting this game to be great. This new update is terrible, the switch to godot has made the entire game laggy and slow. Some of the animations are visably compressed now, the ui is worse than previous updates, and you removed the skip ahead feature while wiping our progress.  I'm sure that you guys can come back from this and fix the game, but we waited a long time for this very poor update.


This update is indeed very bad

It's truly strange, when i go back to 8.1, and watch the noriko bj animation, it's fine. Now watch it on 9.1, it's visably compressed and noisy. What the hell happened


Will there be Russian language?

Будет ли русский язык? 


my old savepoints can´t be loaded. have i to start from the beginning and play the game again?


where is the game progress data save file😟?


Can't find.

The game has a bug and saving may cause errors. After I reload the save multiple times, the game can continue. You can give it a try

C:\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Goodbye Eternity\saves



Crashes every minute. Waste of money


Make sure the next chapter we can beat that fuckin Minato & Netoru please!! 

And we want more more wild sex scene with Asami!!

Natsume & Chaki is not bad too, please add a sex scene with them 

Great, excellent job guys!

Please don't make us disappointed for the next chapter, i believe in you guys!!!


Hey Devs, you think you can add back in auto-play (or maybe I just missed it cause I can't see it in the hot bar).


im stuck at a part where it says go to the dojo and look if the thugs are gone but cannot interact with them.

(1 edit)

I am also stuck here! Anybody know what the trick is to move the game along? Nevermind, this is mentioned in the fix notes for 9.1.

wait so did you fix it?

Not me. The dev fixed it in 9.1.


any way to get all the animations without having to play through the WHOLE GAME again?


yea legit nothing is new other than these new cg's the story did not progress. needless to say, waiting a whole extra month for this made it feel very underwhelming

Deleted 81 days ago

i have the same question, but I found that we can download the latest version via our library. There is no need to buy again.


Will there be a way to unlock all the gallery elements? I lost my save files due to the update and now I don’t want to play everything again. It takes a few hours even with skipping…


I'm not against developers changing the graphics engine to the game but they should understand that not all of us have our equipment at the level of that graphical requirement of such new engines. If it were them, I would release two versions, one that uses the old graphics engine and another the current one that they put in.

The game is not opening for me at all.... it keeps showing the error IDK what's happening but I tried my best to UPDATE all my drivers and everything properly, after all this the game is unable to launch.... If you find any solutions plz inform me 

Im like you dude your GPU can't use vulkan drivers cuz u need a better graphic card


I keep getting crashes when playing, im using Poco X6 pro(android). So maybe it's just because this phone is still new and not optimize for the game. Just want to let you know

When will Yasuki's voice acting be added, in the love line? The "Auto" button is missing, and it is still very often missing in animated scenes and galleries. My hands are busy . I have my hands full to pres "next" every time)


play on Mac (in French). I never had any problems with your game, and I enjoyed playing it (and I like the story), but sorry, this version 0.9.1 is unstable.

- I lost my saves (Am I the only one?)

- I find it less beautiful than version 0.8.

- The choices, displayed in large with "CORRUPTION" or "LOVE", I find it atrocious, I preferred it before.

- Starting the game again, I couldn't leave the house. The game crashes.

Very disapointed.


Playing it on PC now, game keeps crashing when skipping. plz fix


we're on it

Thanks! Also I realized that the auto save is a bit buggy. Lmk if there's anyway I can help. Would love to lend a hand 

so will the new update release for everyone or no i wont lie i really like the game but i dont have money to be paying just to play it


what to do with the "check if the thugs are still in the dojo"? Can't seem to progress after that. 


wwll. lots of bugs and a LONG time for few things. hahahaha


plz make it to where u can unlock all cg's after u finish it once at least


sakuya being crazy came out of nowhere for me. nothing special happened and then she starts harassing the cafe owner for me and Saito acts like her acting like this is a normal thing and he's terrified of her, when for me she's done absolutely nothing before this to imply that this is usual behavior. when saito realized it was her and said how they're in deep shit now, I actually thought he was talking about minato since at least he was implied to be unstable.

so idk if i missed a route that was supposed to show this more or if the writing for her needs to be fixed up


I need it in Spanish pliss

Is there animations on Android user my PC broke

Yes, they are

Deleted 81 days ago

I play the game normally, but if I click a little faster, there will also be a splash

Hey Goodbye Eternity Team, just wanted to update and give feedback on new update.

Game crashes suddenly at times especially after animations or during it and moving to transitions.

If it helps I have a Google Pixel 7. 

Hope you guys are able to find a fix slowly.:)

Also can someone recommend the right graphic settings I should use on android? 


Can i get all CG savefiles?


Are you gonna fix this game? It keeps crashing. I thought it was so fun before.


Give em some time, update just rolled out. Trust the team, they'll fix it


Collapse also makes me very uncomfortable


I played and didn't see any errors, it just happened when you use the skip button and I think the developers did it on purpose, so play and read the character's lines.


I get it, but I wanted to leave off of where I started but the save files didn't carry. So I'm tryna fly past xD 

(5 edits) (+6)(-7)

I have no words how people can be so stupid and pay you anything on Patreon. It's literally scam but they keep paying you lmao. After 6 months you managed to make 4 animations and some little changes with game file and in the menu. Game is actually worse than it has been before, all previous animations are now unwatchable because of how pixelated and lowframe it is. Game is crushing constantly, I had to start over like 30 times till I got to the ending. I know you don't actually care at all, since it's just some little work from you so people don't stop paying you. But people here or on Patreon doesn't care at all either somehow.

Most riddiculous are people here in comments saying "Take your time, here take my thousands of dollars to make some shit in half year which is makable better in 14 days and $70k less".

Anyway thanks guys. You inspire me. I will leave my web developer job and start making my own H game and collect hopefully same money as you are. Chill for 6 months with 16-17k USD monthly for nothing from stupid people on Patreon and keep scamming people over the years till the Lambo. Best part is that it's surely not illegal, nobody can call cops on you. Holy God, let's go!

PS: If someone reads this comment, be sure to stay tuned for my H game! and pls donate a lot on Patreon. Updating will be per year. You can expect 2 minute gameplay and 1 whole top-tier animation. And if someone complains, I will argue back with x.1/x.9 versions which are maybe just bug fixes versions but still versions lmao. You guys are 300IQ without doubt. Indian IT supports are peasants in compare with you. GJ!


Bruh... you sound like one of the antagonists in the game tf 💀


Yes. It's so weird to point out obvious scam lol. Little sheep, better go pay lot of money on Patreon, so they can release that 10 minutes gameplay in half year. And don't forget to pay on my Patreon for my future game. You can donate now if you want, I bet they are using money on filthy Ferrari but I am going for Lambo. Your money will be used better in my wallet.


bro its not even a patreon exclusive you're just a hater..

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Patreon Exclusive? Tf is this argument? They took around 70k USD just from patreon since 0.8 to 0.9. It took them half year to make this new content. Go actually play this game and tell me this is work worth >70k USD and over 6 months.

You don't even make sense. Idk if you are really just some brainwashed sheep or actually fake acc of "developer" or one of his cousins profiting with him.

If you are really just some brainwashed sheep and this is the only game you are following, I recommend you to play other games as well. To see other developers which are actually not scamming people which supports development of their games. Releasing huge content monthly, constantly reporting what they did while taking multiple times less money.


how can u be such a delusional prick btw, pateron is for the ones that want to support the creator no matter what happens, if you are only here for the game and not the journey you can freely crack the game from literally everywhere or just pay god danm 9 dollars, brokie. It's scary how sad your life might be.


Idk they seemed genuine. Also it's probably a super small group of ppl working on it. I won't lie updates are taking longer than usual. When I've seen them role out updates with more animations and scenes faster in the past.


They may be super small group of people and cousins making animations or whatever. But they are taking right now 16,900 USD just from Patreon monthly. Other "small groups" are making H games as project and use these money for the game. This group is taking money for their living (not assuming, they told it) but if you take so much money for yourself as payment, you actually work. Play the new part of this game and tell me they are working 5 times a week 8 hours a day. They worked on this like 14 days at maximum. Also they don't report their work constantly, which should be normal. They just give you one Noriko animation which some cosin is making and then "bad news" - you will have to wait another month. And what did we got? It's so bad that it's literally unplayable and you have to save the game every 15 seconds to be able to finish the game.

And btw I already told them they can hire people with this much money. Other games are hiring even professional voice acters and they take multiple times less money than this game.

Fr all these people should focus on new part of this game and then think again if this is really worth around 70k USD from Patreon and more thousands from this page. And if this is really work which takes half year. Literally 1 amateur person would do more content and for free as a project. Mainly it would be at least playable. This is not playable.


I feel like you're right. RNG started making the game worse, and I also feel deceived


Yep crashes a lot. Shame you'll have to start over again too. I did try moving the saves

(1 edit) (+1)

The game crashes so much since the Godot conversion, it's unbearable.

Dont know why but win version downloads a .exe and not a .zip file


Because the engine changed from Renpys to Godot


Yo please tell me nothin bad is gonna happen to my boy Todo- I mean Macumba 😭


💀 todo

(1 edit) (+2)

What is the reason why the game always crashes? Even after updating to 0.91, it still crashesWhat is the reason why games always crash,


0.9 was well worth the wait. a little buggy and unstable but its kinda to be expected with the massive engine switch.

easily the best 2d VN sandbox h-game on itch rn tbh, art-wise and story-wise though there are a few oddities in text im unsure about (e.g. wording and pacing in h-scenes can be a little strange, but other than that it's mostly clean)

a little worried about the  0.10 cliffhanger


gonna need to know but without spoiling too much, will there actually be NTR / rape by Netoru? i reckon that's not on many people's list, and i think every fan collectively wants to see minoru get his shit kicked in


No, they will not add ntr/rape to the gam


I hope Chinese patches can also be released in a timely manner

(1 edit)

Also, I have a question. In previous version, I suddenly made the harem route (I've had Noriko in the end, Yasuka and Asami).will there be future consequences in the future versions? I mean, maybe some of them can break up or something.

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