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(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

now i have questions we have the child in the game is just for the story or something more cuz this not going to be cool 🗿

(it's your game I'm just asking question)

(4 edits) (-1)
we have the child in the game

Where did you see a ''child'' in the game?

I assume you're talking about Chiaki, but she not.
All the characters are 18 or older.

P.S She was in early versions, but even back then she never intended to have any ''Scenes'' with her, just character being part of the story, fictional story may I add.


don't mind me she look like child

but good to know 


Once again i do not understand why everyone is always afraid a character is young in a fictional world with fictional characters and sometimes fictional events that could never happen in real life. They dotn have ages, they are drawings and arent alive. I personally dont care as it has no bearing on me nor does it offend me in any way. These characters are alll college age or older anyway.

Way i see it, at this point, since evryone is so afraid and anal about this stuff, i think all characters younger than 30 or even 40 should be completely removed and any indication that anyone under that age even exists should also not exist so no on can be offended anymore.

CHiaki was the lil sister of the douchebag ex friend who is the current villain of the storyu i think I know the bad guys will win as lets face it, the MC idoesnt have what it takes to bring him or his criminal friends down.


you don't care but see character the look so young the under age get f...

it's fucked up 

(the creator said she over 18 so idc tbh anymore)

I can't speak for others, but for me I find younger characters and incest situations a major turn off. I'm not offended so much as grossed out by those things. Both are really prevalent in a lot of AVNs and NSFW games in general, so I suppose my perspective is unpopular (watch the down votes pour in...), but for me at least that is my perspective.

None of this is any indictment of Goodbye Eternity however. I want to make that clear. I am just about to download it, but was skimming through the comments to get a sense of whether this would be a game I'd like. 

some love it some hate it some see it normal

but for most people this shit fucked up 

Hey I cant seem to update to the current version as the files arent there to put for 0.9 etc.

(1 edit) (-1)

Heyy um.. how can i said it, in the ending scene we see Asami was visited by that ugly fat man, right? Don't tell me he is gonna rap*d her!? Or no (please no please don't let that fat guy do it)


I'm sure that's game not going any NTR contact (hopefully) so i think no


I want to buy the game but I don't know if it will have a Spanish translation.

(2 edits) (-1)

It will

It's more a matter of getting it done before the deadline.

Once 0.10 is nearby, new lines of text will be added to translation tool.
If they are translated in time, translation will be added in the next update (0.10).


J'adore ce jeu, RNG t'es un crack.

Dommage qu'il crash toute les 2 mins depuis la nouvelle maj, en espérant que ce soit régler au plus vite !

J'y travaille, on a résolu tous les problèmes en interne, tout sera corrigé a la prochaine version ! Merci pour ton soutient!


since the new update the game crashes every 2 minutes and it's soooo laggy when you want to go from bedroom to city and other spaces... Please fix this in the next update it's almost impossible to play the game right now...

Will the future plot explain situations such as golden eyes mentioned in the game


nope. IM pretty sure that will never be mentioned again or explained in any way.


Hola tengo una duda tengo un redmi 11 cuatro de 4 ram estoy jugando al juego y la pantalla se queda trabada no me deja avanzar nose si es el celular o el ram o versión de Android tengo q apagar el celular pero no me deja avanzar nada 


I want more moment with sayuri


Just rest more often




First rule of engineering: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. RenPy version worked so well and now I crash every 2 minutes and the entire game lags constantly. My fans sound like they're gonna eat through the chassis. Unfortunately can't recommend the current version (0.9.1) but future fixes hopefully make the game playable again.


I doubt it will but then i dnt have faith in devs anymore.


i lost all my progress form last update what can i do ?

this is new  engine (godot) so you need to replay  it (or if possible download somebody else ready save if you can find)

dam i really dont want to play it all over again especially since the skip doesnt work

(1 edit)

Where are stored save files of this game (on android version)? Before port to godot I knew but now I'm clueless...
Or will there be a save state again in the next update?


Is this game finished or will there be come future updates???

According to the dev, the game is far from being finished.


Will the game be in the steam?



Constantly crashing


Hmm... wanting to port my saves from 0.8.x to 0.9 

Am on a Mac, found the saves in Library/RenPy

But where's the new engine storing? 


forget it - found it. 

Library/Application Support/Godot


Ah... damn... don't tell me the saves aren't compatible... :/


Is animated scene are in buyable version? 

Because it's not réel animated scene, it's just animated picture (like gif) 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

wdym, it's still considered animated

I'm not quite sure what you were expecting.

(1 edit) (+1)

So far it didn't crashed or any issue (android gameplay) but there's some typo from the beginning of the story only also the background music is louder than the moans is a problem 


i cant import my old save from the 0.8.1 version, do I have to play the game from zero ?


yes and with crashes and worst cg's   :) 


Dev you should add the ability to slide on your opps in the game and up the switch on whoever disses the set on fonem grave


those crashings are very inconveniant. do you know what is it due to ? Or when it will be fixed ? It really waste the potential and the greatness of this game (I really like it tho) 


It's a new engine and the transition wasn't the smoothest as you noticed.
I hate to say that, but it takes time to figure all of it out, and fix.

The problem has been identified, and is being worked on.
Obviously it's a priority right now, because It's hard to see/play it in the current state, especially knowing how the game looked on the previous engine (version 0.8).


For now Ive been using the autosaves that way you only lose a day max.


will it come to steam or is that a negative

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

No, unfortunately it will never come to Steam.



I need it in Spanish 🙏


Soon, the translation itself is finished.














I want to ask a question. After entering the game, when the animation on the game interface ends, I hear a sound and exit the game. Is it the same when I repeatedly enter





Game's good, all it needs are female sound effects during the scenes and it'd be perfect.


good game but damn it crashes a lot


because of the new engine, don't skip. and hopefully it will be fixed soon.


Typical reddit's behaviour.
 Person gave correct info and useful advice to reduce crashes, yet people still downvote.


Hi, RNGeusEX. I'm KoniGaming and a friend of mine sent a link on my discord and told me that this game piques her interest and loved it and she want me to react and gave my overall review about it by making a video on Youtube. 

Would that be okay for you? I'll wait for your response. Take your time as always.


A language like Spanish, which is the fourth most spoken in the world, is not here and if the French language, which has half of it, is outrageous.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Don't take this the wrong way, but what kind of non-thinking nonsense is this?

Game comes in English - Because it is a ''World'' language.
And in French, because RNG is French.

But your comment really changed the whole perspective.

A language like Spanish, which is the fourth most spoken in the world, is not here and if the French language, which has half of it, is outrageous.


(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Because some of the devs are French… what a stupid comment. The Spanish translation is done, and will be implemented soon. Lol at the sensitive mfs downvoting me, like that does anything


Meh to spanish.


I keep randomly crashing on android i tried not skipping but for example when im in the map and click somewhere it just closes and when i open it its in the main menu and i lost my progress if i didnt save close before it just hapoends randomly please help


i need a chinese verson!!!!!!

(1 edit) (-2)

Guys and gals, so gar to get a mostly stable product... Don't skip the text or back down,to unlock all the gallery do one "friendly" route and a "jerk" route... Safe often and you could create your own gallery with text by simply save at the scenes and dev... Listen to your community, fr

We have the ideas how to upgrade it and make the game pleasant,you got the brains 

Hope I could help, have a great day guys 🫡


I just finished the game, and it made me angry and my heart ache. I thought this game was going to have NTR, but luckily it didn't. However, I'm worried about Asami; I hope she won't get raped by that fat bastard. Overall, the game is fine, but I hope the devs won't add NTR. My life is already messed up, and I can only find joy in playing this kind of game. No, I'm not here for the sex scenes; I'm here for the story, even though it's not that interesting to me. But I'll stick to it and see how this game will turn out. Btw if anyone is playing and its always crushing just don't click to fast.


NTR isn’t getting added

I haven't played the game but since this got released Ive seen it getting popular, and I feel you my guy, hope for the best that NTR won't get added, but the world is round who knows what will happen.


How to make Sakuya enter the night hotel?


I already did this a week ago.

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)



The dev recommend to not Speed Up the Text "(skip or back down) and what Phone do you have...?

phone issue? my android phone working fine, never have any crashes and also it's still a potato phone btw, just don't click too fast


I'm playing on LInux (Ubuntu)

Due to 9.1 not having any skip-to-new-content button, like the old ones, I fast forwarded a lot.

After about 20 minutes of reading, then skipping, the game begins crashing.

when I load up again and resume doing the read/skip thing, it starts crashing again almost immediatly at this point.

Not sure what's causing it.

Please fix!


Just don't skip,on my Phone (Rog Phone 5) i skip like 10 seconds and it would'nt crash on me maybe this helps 👍🏻


Thanks for the suggestion.

however I'm mostly skipping on dialogues that I've already seen... for example the firs time you talk with the lady who's house you are staying in.

What I'm doing in game doesn't actually seem to matter, as it seems to be a cumulative problem.
No worries though, I'm quite willing to wait for the Developer to fix it. :-)

What phone do you have anyway... A normal one or flagship phone?

i got a potato phone but haven't encountered any crashes

(8gb ram 680 snapdrogon)

I'm on a desktop, playing on Linux






I've enjoyed this game many times in previous versions, but i have to say, my experience with the 0.9 update has been pretty bad. Multiple crashes, and just overall worse stability, the menus feel more clunky and unresonsive, aswell as downgraded animations. To me, this is just not a stable product in its current form, which i find quite sad as this game was really awesome before this update. This lumped together with the long wait times between versions has been a bit dissapointing. I hope that they overcome the problems in future updates and make it even better than before update 0.9


I think the transitions in the menu could cause it... Idk how to make that better 😞


Bruh i downloaded the 9.0update thinking itll have new content since it has been like a gazillion months since 8.0 but nah...its just a revamp which didnt even change nun fr like i did NOT just get set back with none of my old progress, spent time plying it all over again just to find out that there's nothing new after the noriko idk if you're battling cancer or fight in Ukraine part time but how😭how tf do you possibly develop the game so slowly???! Like it's been like 2yrs since it's release and you've deadass added like two updates my 🥷🏿 idk what your situation is but at least be fr. Also 

1. just use chatgpt to fix the programming 

2. Use any ai img generator if you want since it can greatly help you with development or even give you new ideas based on the generations 

3. This is low key a stretch yet not rly but you can just use eleven labs to add voices to the characters.

I'm just suggesting but 🥷🏿 you deadass gotta lock in and develop the game faster cuz there ain't no way🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


u really just asked him to make ai images... oh my f*king god


And ChatGPT for development... after complaining about bugs.


yea i'm just flabbergasted by how stupid someone can be, complaining about the game then telling the dev what to do lmao.. while being probably 15 yo


“i’m just suggesting” maybe don’t give suggestions? Because they are trash suggestions. What a dumbass telling the devs to use AI for programming, images, and voices lmao. 

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