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I'm thinking of buying this but I don't know how many hours of content I can enjoy at the current version. Can anyone give me a rough estimate?


Between 2 and 4 hours depending on how you play it, I'd say. There's a decent amount of replayability for different routes and stuff, in theory, but it's still early in some story lines. I think buying is good to support the Devs but just be aware of what you're getting yourself into - its not nearly done yet.


don't you guys get it, he didn't release 0.10 because he didn't wants us to loose NNN



If RNGeusEX put NTR in this game, i'll blacklist for sure!


I hope this game won't have NTR


I hope this game won't have NTR


I sincerely believe that there will be no NTR scenes in this game(


maybe just hire more people ?


I have been working on programming field. At the moment, hiring more peoples can't make releasing product quickly. 

I think the best way we can do now is WAIT. Don't make more pressure on their.

(1 edit) (+8)(-22)

dont make a promises when you can't fulfill it


Then what's the point of saying anything at all? Everything happens in life
Respect for developers


You're not wrong but this would maybe be a good time for the devs to rethink their release cycle.

Last update was 5 months ago and has major bugs that makes it unplayable for a lot of users. Perhaps moving forwards they should do more minor releases to address such bugs and keep target dates for major releases internal until they're fairly confident they can hit them.

Based on their last post they're already considering the latter but users would I suspect be a lot more understanding if the current release was more stable.


Grow up, or go out there and develop your own game. The devs are people too, you need to respect the fact that life happens. 


I payed for this game, only to not work, it says the game did not download


i asume this game will never reach a point where it is fully and properly playable and such anytime in the near future.


What about new free version 🥲

What about giving paid customers frequent small updates while letting those who refuse to pay wait longer, that'll teach em for not supporting the dev's :p

Thank due I'm not giving up I will find new free version on another website 


¿Algún día tendrá traducción al español? es que lo jugué una ves en español y lo compre para disfrutar su historia y veo que solo esta en inglés y francés :,3


Creo que actualmente no trabajan en una. Puede cualquiera hacerla hasta donde tengo entendido, pero es como trabajo de la comunidad. Apenas que haya un dev o un grupo de devs que se aviente gratis la chamba, está difícil que pase, la verdad.


Release on steam





















9.1 is goddamn laggy, my phone crashed twice dude, had me fucking scared af, I thought I got plagued with viruses for real when it completely turned off, had to delete the game... hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Deleted 57 days ago
Deleted 57 days ago

The game is cool, but the most current release is too expensive for an independent game that, supposedly, isn't even complete yet.

Hope you finish the game and make it available on Steam, but I suggest you to reduce the minimum value, I believe you would sell much more this way.


I Purchased the Game Today and played it around an hour or two and it crashed around 10-15 Times. Its nice if its running, but the crashed really sucks.


they changed engine the last or second last update, before that it was completely stable. Supposedly it should have been fixed on the next release






没有啊9.1的没有 只有英语和法语


¿Cuántos euros son? Y cuanto es en pesos  mexicanos?😅


take your time king, also take care of urself and ur team


will the game be available for donation via steam? otherwise, PayPall has left the market in some countries, but I really want to buy a new version and support the author.


Ok so i have to meet the "tomboy" girl in the park but everytime i go there shes not there, i cant skip day or any other stuff, what do i need to do?


Can you make this game available in us dollars? I don't live in the uk or any other part of Europe so I don't have access to euros.. 


Dude, The money on your card is automatically converted to euros when you make a payment.  Obvious  that you are American

Ah I see, well I didn't know that and yeah. 


when upadate

(1 edit) (+1)

I can't even download the game. I just get a caption saying it's forbidden. Tried it on my phone and my laptop, but the same thing just happens.

Edit: just thought I would add that the 0.7.9 demo version downloaded. But even after paying, I can't get the full game. Is it because I'm in the US?


I just downloaded the latest patch from June and I have no saves or my unlocks. Did I miss a step somewhere in installation or this normal?

All the previous saves are deleted in the 0.9 update. It's normal.




现在不知道 当时出的时候还没有中文

(1 edit) (-2)





I paid for the game, but will I have to pay again when the update comes out?

No, you don't.

Thank you !


Yall is the new update out yet? The cover is new but is the update out?💀


I love this game, no doubt... But It sucks I have to pay for the full experience of the game


Why does the MC looks like he's fresh recovered from a stroke?


Last relases was 122 days ago.


It's unplayable for me, can't really play for 5 minutes without crashing. So I'll just wait, or something.


How did I get here? 💀


I feel you mate



I hope the update comes out this week?

that game is crashing before leaving the house at the very start of the game it never used to to this in other versions 


Yeah my game has been none stop crashing, i never had this problem before /: 


It's the 9.1 update. Because the other one works fine

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