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I really like this game, but I hope there will be more updates! Thank you!


Update was freaking awesome! My only complaint is that there's no orgasm/creampie visuals other than with Asami.

There is one with yasuka too tho




There is no NTR! The dev has confirmed this a thousand time. You only get the threat of NTR. Most likely the end of 0.8 will amount to nothing more than Asami being saved by someone.

Deleted post



Dev is so scary 💀


15$ as one time purchase or do I have to pay for every new version.


one time

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Bro did netero just fuck asami in her house before morning come


Bro i lost my breath laughing when youre about to confront noriko after you beat nobu and the girl is just standing there naked


Is there no option for Noriko to have pubes? Ingame she doesn't while the banner pic shower her with.

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hey, im playing the new version and i cant trigger the "Go find Asami in your room" quest for noriko.. pls help

Did you find out how to complete this quest

Do I have to replay this from the start? Can I not get my save to show up?

выпущена бесплатная версия игры?


i don't known why but every time I play Noriko storyline I feel like I want to cry

Can anyone tell me the changelog from 0.8 to 0.8.1?

So GOOD !!! AND,Can you provide a cheat code

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There is a gallery, just hit [ESC] and then go to Gallery/animations and choose noriko and you have all scenes. Hope this helps.

doesnt seem to be a way to repeat the scenes outside of the gallery, so, hope you made a save before the big sex scene

I can´t complete the "Go ask Yasuka" task. I can´t find Yasuka.

she’s in the coffee shop


Boys are we sure that this game has no ntr 💀💀💀

Yasuka story tho💀💀💀💀 those almost ntr scene is sooooo bad for my heart💀💀💀💀 especially that new update story (no spoiler here)💀💀💀💀 


100% that there will be no NTR


I hope no more "almost" ntr.... one wrong move i died and wont see the game ending 😭


Dude will new languages be introduced in the game? I'm really looking forward to it. This game is awesome.




I'm glad you clarified that there will never be NTR. I got scared for asami that I nearly stopped playing. Good game btw


Lmaooo dont forget yasuka 💀💀💀 and now you know whos next💀💀💀💀💀 i swear i almost got heart stroke💀💀💀

yeah this game is so good that it's getting in my emotions😭 but now I have nothing to worry about 


4 of these new animations are of Noriko what is the last one??

Might be just clueless, but I can't seem to figure out how to leave the house. I can get outside, talked to Chiaki and her brother (forgot his name already) but I don't see a way to go further

I figured it out, but for anyone else that gets stuck here like me:

When you get outside, hit the "back" button in the bottom right.

It's not obvious, and it would be appreciated if maybe in this one instance it could be a map icon or have "Town" floating over it.

(4 edits) (-2)

Please just confirm me Asami won't get raped please...

This update was worth the waiting, but I can't wait another 3-4 for the next one to know what happens..

Well, I read others comments and shaw that RNGeusEX, the creator, said that It wont  be any NTR/rape, but please confirm it to me one more time please so I'll be good for those 4 months

All my love for this game 

Asking one more time after 7 hours


There won't be any NTR. he said so on Discord.


>proceed to add "almost" ntr like yasuka story 💀


j'arrive pas faire un marquage spoil désolé

C'était obligé se qui nous ai montré a la fin pour Asami ou on peut l'éviter en étant en route love pour tout le monde (car sa ma laissé un goût amère dans la bouche de ne pouvoir rien faire et de se rapproche d'un NTR non voulu même si dans les commentaires vous dites qu'il y en a pas à moins que quelqu'un vienne pour aider qu'ils nous sera montré dans une future mise à jour, genre Sakuya ou autre ? S'il-vous-plaît faite que quelqu'un vienne pour la sauver)

(Je parle de la scène avec le gros à la fin)


How long will 0.8 be out in Chinese Simplified?


I've got mixed feelings about this new update, because on one hand the sex scenes are fantastic and the ending has me hooked, but on the other hand the writing this time around seems very... disjointed? It tries to do a lot in a very short amount of time; establishing some lore for Noriko, developing Saito's savior complex, introducing Asami's mom, giving more screen time to the thugs, Akira and Minato, but they all clash together and don't flow with each other at all. It feels less like a sense of mystery building up and more like I'm reading a couple paragraphs of a book and then flipping to another chapter midway through. It just feels like some ideas weren't as fleshed out as they should've been, and the sex scenes with Noriko, while great, come out completely out of left field and left me very confused when compared with where the rest of the story was headed. And Noriko's justification for why she banged Saito in her monologue was honestly silly, I personally didn't buy it at all.

Ultimately I do think the wait was worth it, even if it's not your best work, because I trust the dev team and the direction this game's headed. I can't wait for the next update!

the MC's life being chaotic is kinda the theme


What's up with all the NTR hints going on in this game? Is it going to be added at some point because I thought there would be none but the writing is just screaming there will be.


there will never be NTR I've said it so many times already

(1 edit)

Game is completely broken for me.  I get to talking to the chef  for the job and it wants me to go to the dojo.  I tried skipping the dojo and going home, nothing happens, tried dojo, then I get "I should just go home..." nothing happens.  :/


Bro the ENDING  Caught me off guard 


Same bruhhhhhhh 💀 almost got heart stroke


Легенда, спасибо за труды


Worth the wait


It's very GOOD GOOD GOOD,but I want some creampie scene,it has long time not seen creampie scene since yasuka

Spoiler Alert!: 

It's good and yes some flaws but it's good that Noriko got some attention, the only thing that bothers me is that yeah I know she did try to make Saito (it's better if you set it default, as we are not him, unless if I could name the girls I would give him the name I always give to other visial novels Ryan Gosling) away from him by paying the thugs to hurt Him, kind of dumb of them going solo when they literally did just Gang up on him, The Akira thing scene, I was about to punch my phone and never comeback if he actually was successful on Noriko, on Saito's room, good thing you didn't or it would end up like (If I find you GeGe Thing), The Homeless guy going to the thugs gave me wrong impressions on him, I thought He would go in like Jackie Chan saving him but giving him an offer *if you give me a food daily I will teach you the most secret technique* but ok, somehow my save worked with it since it's still not godot version, probably do some scripting if I could combine my save on the latest one if it comes out just like I did on others, Kimochi, Akira, Minato and the Thugs are getting on my nerves, but I can't blame Kaito, he doesn't know Mu Thai Or Krav Maga, if I were him, he should have practiced his reaction time and reflexes, since it's Japan and they don't even have any Fine Yakuza, they got no easy guns lol, BTW have patience on the game's development, it's not easy btw and it's going to end up good once we don't even wait for it, at the mean while go touch grass or work and don't be like Kimochi being a Shut in Nerd, you could have always fix the problems with Common sense thinking without Kimochi so remember Built up, Focus on self, Be like Macumba, Not a Sigma but a GigaChad, Sigmas are Sociopaths whi only care for themselves.


Don't tell me that it has some  arkira ntr sence inside(God damn i hate him so much) if that's so,i think I'll just give up this game 😞


It 100% feels like NTR is coming. It's really fucking odd since I was sure they said there wouldn't be but it keeps pushing like there will be.


there will never be NTR I've said it so many times already


I can play with English, but WE NEED CHINESE  PLEASE !

And how can I use my PC save in Android ? 

I wanna continue the new story, but it's Disabled.


This game has me hooked; hard to shake the jitters off. Hope the other ladies in need of Saito find a piece of him soon! Looking forward to the next update!


For Android it keeps booting me off the game


So first of all: THIS GAME LOOKS BEAUTIFUL! Seriously, although I've seen a lot of sfw and nsfw art, this might be one of my most favourite art style and maybe even my #1 and not only that but the music and setting of this game just gives me good feels.

Now a short question tho: what's the difference between the demo and the $15 version? I'm just curious fr


Demo(Free) version is one major update behind, and doesn't have animated sex scenes.


ahh ok thank you!


The MENU IS FREAKING GOOD, this is a compliment I could give to your team! Just sad to see Noriko Sad, as she looks and acts exactly Iike my Sister.


erm what

Deleted 1 year ago

Halleluya Christmas came early this year

Thanks you for bringing this game out


ayo i bought the game but cant access the game


If not, try to find purchase receipt on your Email.

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