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Found a little glitch in the beggining of the game when i was talking to minato for asami the time of day didnt change i was fast forwarding through it so with that the time might have just gliched to not move forward restarted the game and back to normal tho you cant fast forward on that covsation tho thats all nothing really game changing just letting everyone know in case they are going for all the roughts and this might affect other quests too so be aware

(1 edit)

retarted the whole game cuz I did to many things to unstuck"keep spying on Noriko near the park", and my auto save where used. Now after restart, all my auto save corrupted randomly after a crash. And what the hell is this black dude doing in saito's house.

Stuck on "keep spying on Noriko near the park"

And time too is of night not afternoon. Can do anything.


the game is great 

also the character is great and the artist is better than before

but when we will get the main story i mean we never get to action or the fights or anything like that 


I came back for the update so I don't mind replaying it cause I want to go through the story again since I've been enjoying the game outside the scenes. I don't have any issues though and it's maybe because my laptop is a lot more advanced but... here we go. Always going to be a 10/10 for me so I'm diving in once again.


Old fan here, I've been following the game ever since there were less than 100 people on the Patreon, last update was amazing, but the constant crashes and dumbing down to move to Godot have been awful, I know that switching engines is difficult and just seeing things working is great but definitely would have loved that you guys started working the Godot version in batches, first get a stable first chapter in there and then continue working on it until you get to where the game is at, I think for the amount of technical needs the game has as a visual novel it wouldn't be necessary to do a hard change to Godot in one go, but appreciate the future proofing.
Though I will pass on this update, I was looking forward to this one with big excitement but until this more stable I won't be playing the game. hope the next release is not that long and that it's mostly focused on engine optimization and bug fixing, still believe in you guys but definitely, a disappointing release, but don't lose motivation it's part of the processes 


The game crashes randomly.


Can I upgrade previous version?

Or do I need to buy each different version?

No, if you buy it once you will get access for the rest of your life.


My .exe file downloads just fine, but it won't execute when I try to open it. Been following this game for a while, would be a pity if I cannot play it anymore. Anyone know why?

(3 edits) (+3)

According to the discord: 

The new engine **requires Vulkan support**. For PCs, it means having a GPU that is newer than GTX 700 series, and for smartphones it means having Android 10 or above. So if your PC or smartphone isn't advanced enough then it won't open

Recommended specs for PC are: 64-bit 4-core CPU, 6GB RAM, GTX 960 or above.

For android it is: Android 10, 4GB RAM (3GB has been seen to work, but may crash)

Hope this helps man

(1 edit)

I have an RTX 3060, so it should be fine, but it doesn't execute the file at all


Please offer a selection to unlock gallery at this moment....Suffering from reopening the game in every minute...


im having trouble after sakuya route. Where I need to enter the dojo with noriko, but the thug is still there after I talked to kimochi, I cannot click on the thug or just simply ignoring them, I cannot skip time and I tried to spend time on asami place, but nothing works. For a note, I choos femdom for noriko route.


Same here dude


Have you updated the game to 0.9.1?


Have you updated the game to 0.9.1?




This update was a huge disappointment. There was nothing new, other than lag and bugs. The story didn't progress even for a second. Waited for so many months for this shit. Pathetic update, all this excitement and anticipation was all for nothing.


There's new man. Noriko's Femdom Route, Asami's Befriend Route, and you can refuse Sakuya's initiation. But yeah it's laggy and buggy but it's because they switch from Ren'Py to Godot they said that in the announcement.


Downloaded the latest update excited to see the new content and how the story progressed, see that no saves carried over, sigh and start a new save, and the game crashed before even being able to leave the house >.>


wait till you reach the end and see nothing has changed, I saw a comment on it and thought maybe the new ending is bland but I was still so disappointed 


I can't find the chinese version as usual,i think it's a bad news


First rollout with Godot instead of RenPy is a little rough, but not surprising. What Godot gives you in freedom you pay for in pain. Looking forward to seeing things get ironed out, some issues you just will never find until real people try and then you feel stupid for not noticing earlier (at least I do)


As a big fan of this game, please understand everything im about to say comes from a place of wanting this game to be great. This new update is terrible, the switch to godot has made the entire game laggy and slow. Some of the animations are visably compressed now, the ui is worse than previous updates, and you removed the skip ahead feature while wiping our progress.  I'm sure that you guys can come back from this and fix the game, but we waited a long time for this very poor update.


This update is indeed very bad

It's truly strange, when i go back to 8.1, and watch the noriko bj animation, it's fine. Now watch it on 9.1, it's visably compressed and noisy. What the hell happened


Will there be Russian language?

Будет ли русский язык? 


my old savepoints can´t be loaded. have i to start from the beginning and play the game again?


where is the game progress data save file😟?


Can't find.

The game has a bug and saving may cause errors. After I reload the save multiple times, the game can continue. You can give it a try

C:\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Goodbye Eternity\saves



Crashes every minute. Waste of money


Make sure the next chapter we can beat that fuckin Minato & Netoru please!! 

And we want more more wild sex scene with Asami!!

Natsume & Chaki is not bad too, please add a sex scene with them 

Great, excellent job guys!

Please don't make us disappointed for the next chapter, i believe in you guys!!!


Hey Devs, you think you can add back in auto-play (or maybe I just missed it cause I can't see it in the hot bar).


im stuck at a part where it says go to the dojo and look if the thugs are gone but cannot interact with them.

(1 edit)

I am also stuck here! Anybody know what the trick is to move the game along? Nevermind, this is mentioned in the fix notes for 9.1.

wait so did you fix it?

Not me. The dev fixed it in 9.1.


any way to get all the animations without having to play through the WHOLE GAME again?


yea legit nothing is new other than these new cg's the story did not progress. needless to say, waiting a whole extra month for this made it feel very underwhelming

Deleted 245 days ago

i have the same question, but I found that we can download the latest version via our library. There is no need to buy again.


Will there be a way to unlock all the gallery elements? I lost my save files due to the update and now I don’t want to play everything again. It takes a few hours even with skipping…


I'm not against developers changing the graphics engine to the game but they should understand that not all of us have our equipment at the level of that graphical requirement of such new engines. If it were them, I would release two versions, one that uses the old graphics engine and another the current one that they put in.

The game is not opening for me at all.... it keeps showing the error IDK what's happening but I tried my best to UPDATE all my drivers and everything properly, after all this the game is unable to launch.... If you find any solutions plz inform me 

Im like you dude your GPU can't use vulkan drivers cuz u need a better graphic card


I keep getting crashes when playing, im using Poco X6 pro(android). So maybe it's just because this phone is still new and not optimize for the game. Just want to let you know

When will Yasuki's voice acting be added, in the love line? The "Auto" button is missing, and it is still very often missing in animated scenes and galleries. My hands are busy . I have my hands full to pres "next" every time)


play on Mac (in French). I never had any problems with your game, and I enjoyed playing it (and I like the story), but sorry, this version 0.9.1 is unstable.

- I lost my saves (Am I the only one?)

- I find it less beautiful than version 0.8.

- The choices, displayed in large with "CORRUPTION" or "LOVE", I find it atrocious, I preferred it before.

- Starting the game again, I couldn't leave the house. The game crashes.

Very disapointed.


Playing it on PC now, game keeps crashing when skipping. plz fix


we're on it

Thanks! Also I realized that the auto save is a bit buggy. Lmk if there's anyway I can help. Would love to lend a hand 

so will the new update release for everyone or no i wont lie i really like the game but i dont have money to be paying just to play it


what to do with the "check if the thugs are still in the dojo"? Can't seem to progress after that. 


wwll. lots of bugs and a LONG time for few things. hahahaha


plz make it to where u can unlock all cg's after u finish it once at least


sakuya being crazy came out of nowhere for me. nothing special happened and then she starts harassing the cafe owner for me and Saito acts like her acting like this is a normal thing and he's terrified of her, when for me she's done absolutely nothing before this to imply that this is usual behavior. when saito realized it was her and said how they're in deep shit now, I actually thought he was talking about minato since at least he was implied to be unstable.

so idk if i missed a route that was supposed to show this more or if the writing for her needs to be fixed up

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