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So this or next month we should be getting the new update

It is planned for mid-June, but only if everything turns out perfectly and there are no problems.

Is there a way to make several file saves in the game? (So I can play every route without having to fully restart)

(2 edits)

Wait, have you tried save/load function? XD

Nvm, already found out how to do it.
Accidentally deleted my progress though.


Can someone post every hidden money in all location. Really having difficult locating it


In other locations use (?) function.


Thanks alot

My only issue so far is on the android version it's difficult to read anything that requires me to hold the buttons like the stats.

where is the other secret money?

Thanks a lot


how to use cheat code?

(3 edits) (+7)

Collect all the hidden money in all locations, then in the cheat menu, enter the code you needed.

Cheat codes: (0.4.91)

more = +5000¥
SexyLady = Yasuka always wear babydoll.
MilfIsLife = Yasuka nude mode.
VanillaYasuka = Yasuka default outfit.
PyjamaParty = Noriko always wear pyjama.
TsundereIsLife = Noriko nude mode.
VanillaNoriko = Noriko default outfit.
WaitThatsIllegal = Chiaki nude mode.
PureTomboy = Asami always wear her jacket.
MidTomboy = Asami without ugly jacket.
WhatIsThat = Asami always wear ugly dress.
TomboyIsLife = Asami nude mode (doesn't work at 0.4.91)
VanillaAsami = Asami default outfit.
OppaiIsLife = Sakuya nude mode.
VanillaSakuya = Sakuya default outfit.
NetoriIsLife = Natsume nude mode.
VanillaNatsume = Natsume default outfit.
MacumbaEverywhere = Try this, trust me.

Cheat code 0.5.9

more = +5000¥
MacumbaEverywhere = Try this, trust me.

Old codes will no longer work because skins are no longer activated with codes


Before I try the MacumbaEverywhere cheat...if whatever it is isn't something that I want, can it be reversed?

(2 edits) (+1)

Edited: Only by restarting the game.


i need 80million

The natsume nude cheat code is not working for me. Why?


He tried MacumbaEverywhere 

Deleted 2 years ago

I am currently having a major issue. You see I've found all the money (atleast I think all the money) in every area yet the cheat menu isn't accessible. Am I missing an area maybe? Is there an area in the game I don't know about?

Version of the game?

Nevermind I found out I had version 0.4.9 and it was mega glitched. Though thank you very much for the reply anyway 


I swear there's only 11 hidden money in the restaurant, but the game says there's 12. I even started a new game and fast-forwarded to the day you start your job.

(2 edits) (+1)

whats next

yeah i found your twelfth: she's blocking the items. Click her so you can see past her, click her to get your 12

another way of finding the twelfth is by waiting INSIDE the restaurant until night then use the hint finder thing, that's how I did it!!!

i collect all the hidden money in all locations, but i don't have cheat menu :(

Using a version from a pirate website?(An old 0.4.9)

If not, you probably just haven't found all the money.

Deleted 2 years ago

For me both sakuya and natsume nude cheat codes aren't working. I'm in 0.5.2 and it says invalid code

Deleted 2 years ago

how do i see natsume after the cheat? it looks like the cheat is per save file (at least for me) and i can't see natsume after finishing the game (version 0.5.2)

(1 edit)

Re-play the game,  the cheats menu will be available to you from the start.

(1 edit)

hi thank you for responding! i reloaded the game and no luck :( says i gotta collect all the coins again. i'm on android, hopefully that adds more insight to this (edit: i figured it out, thank you anyways!)

For me both sakuya and natsume nude cheat codes aren't working. I'm in 0.5.2 and it says invalid code

Great game so far, really enjoying it.

There are a few bugs in the animations, mostly around Asami's BJ scene.

Cant wait for noriko and sakuya scene 


How do I make my character a female?


Hopefully wait till RNG would create a lesbian version, for this game in some multiverse.....

(1 edit) (+1)

I just downloaded this game yesterday, but I'm already in love, and as usual there's a problem.

Firstly, the icons are way to small on android, like if I make a mistake I can't, like go BACK (press the back icon) or if I want to save something on SAVE, MENU (it doesn't let me). And many other features don't work.

Secondly, the game glitches, like a lot. Just take a look at the image down below, thats a image of your game 'glitching' whenever i try going to the main map. It always does this, like every fucking time, once it was funny but now it's very irritating. Now whenever this happens I leave(QUITE) the game, hoping it starts me where I left off or else I start from my save(which is really hard to access).

Moreover, bro the game is good, one of the best based on the hype alone, but it feels like your not giving a lot of attention to us android users and its really is painful. I know 10 dollars ain't much, but it still is money and I expected a good experience.

 Lastly, I hope you'll take this into consideration the next update. And if you think "Maybe Because Of My Phone?", it really isn't, I play many ppsp games on it, it hasn't done this before or maybe I lack space?, I still have over 5GB worth of space left. Maybe low RAM? The phone's 2GB worth of RAM, Octa-core by the way.

~Thanks in advance.😁😋

(1 edit)

How many paths are there for all the characters ?

Is there like a map or an image that shows you which choice for which character to which path since I heard alot of different path and I want to try all out?

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

In your dream Noriko! → Negotiate → Femdom path
In your dream Noriko! → Intimidating → Maledom path
Go fuck yourself Noriko! → Menacing → Blackmail path
Go fuck yourself Noriko! → Intimidating → Maledom path

Do it youself! → (The path is not yet ready in the current version)
Okay! → Okay, how could I refuse such a proposal? → Corruption path
Okay! → No, I don't want to be a buffer. → Befriend path

I don’t think it’s a good idea → If you want... → Well, if it’s what you want, how can I refuse? → You talk her out of her job, and we'll have a "sleep" scene with Yasuka.
Maybe it’s a good idea! → She's going to work after all.
Uh... isn’t that kind of sexual profession? → She's going to work after all.

ah ok thanks alot

What are the ** for?

How to prevent yasuka from being a hostess?


''I don’t think it’s a good idea.''
Select this option.

How do you Dominate Noriko?


In your dream Noriko! → Intimidating → Maledome path
Go fuck yourself Noriko! → Intimidating → Maledome path


In the restaurant i can't find the last hidden piece and it's stopping me from getting the cheats. Where is it???

made an account to say that im having the same problem

me too cant find last two

Deleted 2 years ago

Both hidden ones are on the shelf behind Sakuya's head, look carefully when you use the hint

Deleted 2 years ago

theres one really small hiding behind the girls head, might be that one

I already got it do you know where the last piece is?

its difficult since i have no idea which ones u have already collected

Umm I collected all the visible pieces in the restaurant and I don't know where the last one is I already used the question mark button to help me but I had no luck finding it I have 11/12

Deleted 2 years ago


Thank you so much


Can you give me more if can all of place please

When will the game be free?


v0.3.91 is available for free.

Next free version(0.4.91) Will be available after the next major release.
(Currently scheduled for mid-June, but that could change.)

I cant find minato

Ring the door bell at his house.


Used to be free not anymore 😔


You can still play it for free, but for one major update behind. 

What are the goods route to all missions?

The text is very small. Hard to read on Android

The game Music is a banger man!

Someone Tell Me On How Do The Noriko Route To Blackmail Her, Please... Thanks


Go fuck yourself Noriko! → Menacing → Blackmail path


I can't sleep on night 2 and my game is updated. What should I do? 

(1 edit)

Make sure you have 0.4.91 Version.
If everything is correct - just re-enter the room.

Deleted 290 days ago

By collecting all the hidden money.


So far, this is my favorite game here on I REALLY hope the Dev sticks with this. Its fantastic so far..

(1 edit)

I could have played the 0.4.91, and i really like the game, can't wait for the next updates to have more interaction with Noriko and Yasuka, even if i really like Asami and want to do more with her too

What is the cheat code?


A cheat code is a combination of letters or numbers that can give you something in the game after you enter it.

At this point, you can get in game money or make the characters were naked during the dialogues.

what are the codes though?



more = +5000¥
SexyLady = Yasuka always wear babydoll
MilfIsLife = Yasuka nude mode
VanillaYasuka = Yasuka default outfit
PyjamaParty = Noriko always wear pyjama
TsundereIsLife = Noriko nude mode
VanillaNoriko = Noriko default outfit
WaitThatsIllegal = Chiaki nude mode
PureTomboy = Asami always wear her jacket
MidTomboy = Asami without ugly jacket
WhatIsThat = Asami always wear ugly dress
TomboyIsLife = Asami nude mode (doesn't work at 0.4.91)
VanillaAsami = Asami default outfit
OppaiIsLife = Sakuya nude mode
VanillaSakuya = Sakuya default outfit
NetoriIsLife = Natsume nude mode
VanillaNatsume = Natsume default outfit
MacumbaEverywhere = Try this, trust me

Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits)

Noice, good for you.

Beautiful game , are u looking for a composer/sound designer by any chance ?

So I downloaded the free android version on patreon before pledging just to try it out. I am having trouble clicking on things, I don't think it's my accuracy or phone the hit box just seems off for the icons not to mention them being small. Has this been updated in the newer version? Either way I look forward to this game!

sleep option doesn't work on day 2, for some reason

You need to update to 0.4.91


Can't press sleep in the latest version.

You probably have v0.4.9 - update to v0.4.91, because you missed a bug fix.

Great quality overall, especially the art. One small suggestion would be to make the icons at the bottom (load, save etc) have a bigger hitbox for clicking and/or make them larger or make a setting to change the size. Whichever is easiest really. 

for PC or Android version?

The PC version

Hey bought the game but how do i update it?

absolutely lovely! never had such a beautiful game!

Russian translation? =3


Right now, I'm only missing one CG and it's the second one for the player, with the only hint being "training with Macumba". Anyone know what you're supposed to do for it? I've done all the other routes and I've maxed out my endurance, so I'm not sure what I need to do for it.


This game is awsome, cailnt wait for more noriko and yaska and more Asami lol


The art is amazing and I like the idea of all these paths we can take!

If I could make one suggestion, I was hoping if the "clicking to find hidden money" could have slightly larger targets? (eg: clicking on the drawer vs clicking on a specific point on the drawer) I know that's why the help icon is there, but even with the help the spot to click is pretty small...

Other than that minor thing, I think this all looks amazing! I love the different plotlines going on. 

i have been here since day one, and I still have no fucking idea how to get those shiny things

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