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When does 0.5 drop? 🤌✨ 😭😭

(2 edits) (+1)

Later on today, less than 24 hours.
If everything goes right.

Release time zone GMT +2 (So It's 00:43 now)


Thanks! Love the team :) you guys always reply back and are super supportive. 

What's in the new update ?

The 0.5 version will focus on the "love" route with Yasuka.

what about noriko


noriko best girl

and I'll be more careful next time, I apologize

Hi i got banned in the discord server for no reason when i was just asking where to find other cg my name is 

'Levi Athan#6730'

(2 edits) (+2)

We don't have random bans, unreasonable ones either.
Your account was used in a spam attack.

Wait for RNG to respond.

Can i ask i cant find the last money thing in asami house it doesnt show the last one in hints do you mind give me another guide


the problem is that it bans ip I believe ducoup even if I create a second account it will not work. because when I tried with another account it didn't work, it gave me the same error message as with my ban account

Ive been stuck at one point where you need to meet Minato and when I go to his house and he's not there and I've made like 2 or 3 new games and I can't get past that point can anyone help

Tap the doorbell it might be hard in android but i think you can manage



hello I was banned from the discord server because someone hacked me and sent an inappropriate link I can be deban please my id is narouken#3081 thank you in advance or contact me again

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

Unfortunately, it is entirely your fault that the account has been hacked.

This caused a spam attack from your account, on our server.

Personally, I wouldn't unban you.
But let's see if RNG will be more forgiving than me.

You are free to create a new account or hope to be unbanned.
Be more careful next time.


I removed your ban but Your Enforcer is right, if it happens again you will have to create a new account

Waiting for the 0.5 !


How to quest noriko


whats the difference between the noriko special (i've seen the term tossed around) and the "animated" version? is the noriko the full game, just no animated scenes?

There is a classic version - all the scenes are static.

There is an Animated version, as the name implies, there's scenes are animated.

The Noriko Special version is no different from the Animated version, except for the Noriko costume itself in the dialogues(Not scenes)

much appreciated. Thanks. 

Hey can i ask you how to unlock naniko



Noriko i mean

man this is a really good game, I've never paid for one of these games before, only thing is, content was a bit short lived... When does the next update come out? And how will the update download on our existing save files on mobile? 

Sorry to bombard with questions but kudos on the game, it's great!

If everything is good in 4 days 

Maps make these games way better imo and your map has tiny cars so im buying it.

So ik I saw a bj scene for Noriko like 2 months ago or so but didn't got to see it on the game am I just dumb I'm trying to find a wiki to find some available scenes but my searches are in vain you guys have a discord server or something?

(2 edits)

There was a discord logo on top o_0
But yeah, here's our place.

Deleted 2 years ago

The hints(?) don't work in the locations that were added in the last update, so that's the point.

Aesthetically, the best Jrpg I've seen of this... genre. The UI is so clean and pretty easy to handle. I do have some nitpicks though.

One of which is the buttons at the bottom of the screen can sometimes be difficult to click because their hitbox is so small.

Another is that there seems to be open spots in the story where you can't really do anything but exercise. I'd love it if you added some extra content to explore or interact with at those times.

Besides that, graphically beautiful, UI is perfect, story is compelling. All in all worth it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Jrpg? 0_o

whoops just Rpg...




i dont think you know what an rpg is


(Sorry for my bad english, i am new at this ;-;)
Well, i dont have much to talk, but i want just talk thanks. I cant explain what exactly this game doed to me, i downloaded it just to... you know for what, but the lore, the protagonist, and his story for getting better for the future inspireted me somehow, seriosly, you dont have idea how much this helped me to get up and live my life for the present and future, leaving aside the past. So i just come here to say thanks, this game is wonderfull, and not just horny, please continue this history, is definitly one of the best visual novel i played. Macumba is life, Macumba is love, Macumba is motivation.

If I bought the game for $9 instead of $10, will I receive the game update on July 15?

(1 edit)



Story is nice, but gameplay and interactiveness ain't nice.

I have zero inventory, you can't buy stuff with your money, your paycheck doesn't scale, hidden money is a gimmick (we can live without it since we can't buy anything)

the whole idea of knowing the progress of each character is not effective and full of bugs 

Story is nice but not great, really. The premise is interesting, but then the cliché sets as the MC realizes his debt. 

The project is still promising

(1 edit) (+7)

1. ExtraLife still it early development, so your claim about using money is understandable, but still perplexing.

2. Hidden money is used to gain the cheat menu, not to earn money.

3. ''The whole idea of knowing the progress of each character is not effective and full of bugs''

What? explain yourself, give me an example, because what you wrote sounds ''Tasteless''.


It's a sad fact that there are people that complain for the sake of complaining, no matter how little backing they have for said complaint.


Will u share the soundtracks in the future?I think your music is amazing. 

(1 edit) (+3)

OST/ quotam.
 Spotify / Youtube


Many thanks!

How to be dominated by Noriko? help pls

(3 edits) (+1)

In your dream Noriko! → Negotiate → Femdom path

(Choose these dialogue options when talking to her.)


really good game with an interesting plot. Art is also pretty damn good. Heres hoping this game gets a full release in the future and not get stuck in development hell. Also hoping for a Noriko or Yasuka Hscene for the next update. 


How to unlock the cg scenes of dominating noriko and blackmailing noriko

Hey is it just me or is the interior restaurant missing one hidden cash thing? I only got 11/12



Or you can give the same card but to Yasuko's House?


Use hint (?) function.

Shows nothing

This is Asami's house, so the function (?) does not work in the location that was added in the last version.


no seggs on free version.... imma wait it for 0.5 for free version xD


There will be a steam version?

Where i can find Kimochi after I gather the 50000 yen? pls help me

You can't do this in the current version.

Deleted 2 years ago

if you upload in steam because as a chinese palyer it's inconvenience to buy the game in USD so pls upload it in steam


Not happening, in the discord the dev said it was not only accepted on steam, but also banned, meaning it'll never be allowed on steam even with modifications

(1 edit)

im planning to try... i have some questions first

is this really animated well just to the good part only?

how many characters can i segggs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

and also can i save my game if there's an update?

first question: more or less just the h-scenes

second question: u can segggs 1 character at the moment

third question; yes you can safe your game when theire is an update. 

thx man

Can you help me pls, i somehow cant talk to minato and i have the "talk to minato" quest/mission



What is supposed to happen when you ring the doorbell? I'm on the android version, and when I ring the bell, nothing happens


 this game is nice i hope you can make content every month but you will need a lot of money for it i just hope you make more content in the future and i wish im still alive to play it


it's impossible, making CG and animations takes a lot of time, and we are few to work on this project


Any plans on making it possible to choose the MCs Gender?




More Noriko content please and thank you!

I am experiencing a bug where macumba is not in the park and i am about to give him tge Walkman. I also decided to sleep because i thought i can just see him tomorrow but when i press the bed,the Sleep,and Leave button doesnt appear everytime i press it. I tried reinstalling the game for 3 times and redo everyrhing upto that point but still nothing. How to fix?

(1 edit)

sorry for the late reply to get past that quest enter the room first after u get the walkman after u enter the room u will see on top of the bed there is walkman there click it and re enter the room and there u go i thought at first it was a bug too lol just some poor eyesight i guess


This game is so nice but it aint free ( ಥ u ಥ)

I wanna play, know and watch more of this game!!

I swear that someday I'll be able to buy this!!!

(1 edit) (+2)

In fact, you could say the game is free, just that those who bought it get an update 3-5 months earlier.

So... what you're saying is that the Devs are gonna update the Available demo? correct?

(1 edit) (+2)

The demo version will be updated when the new version of the paid release comes out (aka 0.5 Update)


ehh u can have it free dud

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