The progress so far

Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well!

It's time to talk about the next update, and most importantly, what you're all waiting for: its release date.

Ideally, I’d like to release it in April. There are still two scenes to complete and two new characters to create, so it should be doable.

The old animations have almost all been redone using Spine, ensuring better integration with the game engine. As a result, the next version will be even lighter than the previous one!

Just to reiterate, version 0.11 will mainly focus on advancing the story and setting the stage for the conclusion of Chapter 1. Version 0.12 will be dedicated to Natsume, followed by Chiaki.

And for those wondering: the story will continue beyond Chiaki! We are still far from the end, with many revelations ahead. The relationships between Saito and the female characters will also be further deepened.

See you soon for more updates!


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cant wait

Which one are you talking about?


Also, can you add the other MILF (can't remember her name but not the redhead) to the harem route


holy crap, that pic


love the game so far