The progress so far

Hi everyone, I hope everyone's doing well. We're finally in 2024 and it's already time to take a quick look back at the work of the first two weeks.

As mentioned last time, I can now officially announce that Asami now has a new path, you can reject her delusion and simply build a beautiful friendship, I know it's not something you'd expect from an adult game but I like to go where I'm least expected.

Rejecting a love interest may seem strange, but if you save yourself for one character in particular, there could be a unique reward waiting for you. I won't say any more about it, I like to leave it in doubt.

As for the development of the godot version, it's back on track and every effort is being made to present you with something that's finished and not buggy or with important features not implemented.

I'll end this news with a sneak preview of what's in store for the next update. Thanks again for your support after all this time. All this is only possible thanks to you.


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It's been a month now and there hasn't been any news about the game. But there were words about a “quick release of the further story” after the delay in the plot with Noriko...

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Oooooh I hope thats for best girl Sayuri. You made her WAY too hot to not lead to anything haha

Something tells me that Sayuri might be involved...

Me ha encantado el juego, espero que saquen nuevo contenido pronto.


Many thanks to the author, I passed the game in one breath. I look forward to continuing very much. I am a player from Russia. Your work inspires me to live, to fight all difficulties, thank you for the motivation and a very wonderful game.


depuis la dernière mise à jour, je n'ai aucune nouvelle mission . Help :-)

(1 edit) (+7)

Really the most logical choice,if each girl gets a monogamous route,is to give that scenario exclusive content, this way the game will have much more replayability... Great job...also pretty excited for more of my favorite girl noriko😃😃😃😃


это отличная новость, жаль я её не дождался, только вчера выложил видос на ютубе с обзором этой игры и критиковал, безвариативный романтический интерес и грёбанный гарем в игре про жизнь. кстати если кому интересно глянуть, на ютубе ищите канал "невзрачный обзорщик"


Ну ты конечно гений. Делать обзор на игру которая еще недоделана это как судить ребенка который еще в утробе


Ну может и не гений, но явно гениальней тебя. раз по твоему можно делать обзоры только на законченные вещи.  Обзоры нужны на всё. И не законченные проекты в этом нуждаются больше всего. потому что благодаря таким обзорам людям становится понятно, что за продукт, о чём он, есть ли у него потенциал и вообще стоит ли ждать.


Да, с одной стороны ты прав, но нужно еще учитывать "сырость" игр. Обзор на какую-нибудь пре-альфу где разраб реализовал 1% от всего запланированного делать думаю не стоит.

Это верно, но данный проект не подходит под это описание. В нём уже есть много контента механик и продвижения сюжета. Может автор ещё  и не реализовал всё, что хотел, но сделал достаточно, что бы игра выделялась на фоне обычных новел, так что мне и захотелось рассказать о ней на даном этапе разработки


I'm glad we are starting to get the option to single out who we want to be with, i hope you'll allow us to commit to a single partner soon in the future


Really some unexpected news...


when do you think 0.8 will be out for free?


Hope you can do only one romantic partners run on every girls.


I am soon getting a job and the first thing i i will do is buy this game and support this game creator the art is so good bro. It's very rare to find a gem like this bro i hope the creator keeps updating this game doesn't matter how long it takes🥺


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I bet the whole "Rejecting a love interest" carade is just so RNG can add cuck shit with her fucking other dudes to the game and be able to say "iTs NoT nTr." Its the only content RNG actually cares for anyway


You've had a bad day, haven't you?

Its literally stated that there wont be any sort of ntr... maybe there will be another guy in game but they wont interact in a sexual manner




It's a pretty good thing, it fit well with how the character start to realize that he cannot mess out with many womens, a path were he'll be somewhat faithful to one would be wholesome.

Not having a kind of scumbag that will just have fun with everyone, without any repercussion, and having a harem will change from your casul adult game without a potent story, though for now it somewhat make sense (he try to make everyone happy, or at least to let them live a better life than it was before)

+ that will fit the character i think, he is trying to have a better life by correcting the error he made in his past life, so it would only make sens that he think twice before engaging himself with every women he meet to  just f*ck up hiss life a second time

This is an Adult game ok, but the opnly one i know with a really interesting and deep story, i honestly think that even a non adult ver in the end of the project could deserve to be released (well, the arts are real good too, won't lie, but the story as is it now would probably be enoguht for a pretty good Virutal Novel like, and so on for people not interested in H, or even have a bigger public to enjoy this story, thought we're not here yet)

So the H are real good, but i honeslty think that without the good story, i wouldn't like and be interested this game as much as i do now, really love your work, kep up the good work ! without doing too much, health before everything else :)

I strongly agree!

I was actually really hoping for an update like this. I was hoping for a chance to focus on one character. Though I do worry about what Sakuya would do if you reject her, I am also curious about what would happen if you only focus on her. Maybe she doesn't kidnap the protagonist during that path, or maybe nobody tries to rescue you?


This. Her path is going to need some SERIOUS reworking if you go the mono route.

If she's the only one you choose, you can erase much of the yandere parts of her route and make it more like MC just came to like her regularly.  Because of this: she can have less crazy girl sex scenes (or you can still have them but be more like shy girl in public yet a freak in the bed). Never any need to let MC know she's been protecting him from the shadows. No kidnapping scene. More wholesome reason to visit onsen area. 

On the other hand: you can make her even MORE crazy if she's the only one you reject, you go mono with her by friend/son zoning Asami and Yasuka but then go down either Dom/Femdom routes with Noriko, she joins in on you blackmailing Noriko because she knows how Noriko use to treat you. 

To be honest very interesting idea but RNG is pretty much 3x the amount of work they have to do. But if I can get a non-cray cray route for Sakura, I'll accept RNG's sacrifice.


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