Bad news

Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I know that many of you are waiting for the fateful announcement of the release of version 0.9 but to my great regret it won't be possible for the end of May.

We've done all we can to meet the deadline, but we have to face the facts: we're not ready.

So what's missing? You have the right to know.

- In the first instance, feedback from the beta has been plentiful, and thanks to you we've been able to make much faster progress. However, there are still many things to correct and optimize. Lots of sound problems, sudden crashes etc.
- Another point: I've written much more for this update than for all the others. 
> There's the road Noriko Femdom
> Alternative choices for Sakuya for those who didn't like not being able to refuse our yandere's advances.
> [SPOILER] An Asami "just friends" route if you don't want to get romantically involved with her. This route will be necessary to unlock the route with Sayuri at 0.10 (the route with sexual intercourse). Why do you ask? Well, in my opinion, even if Sayuri seems a bit of a tease, she'd never do something like go out with her daughter's boyfriend, however... If that girl is just a friend, then there are no more rules ;). I wanted to keep a minimum of coherence in this universe, I'm not really a fan of harem type games where the MC can have all the girls he wants without any consequences, making one choice rather than another adds a little more spice to this story.[/SPOILER]
 - Plus all the invisible extras you can't see but which are necessary.

All these cumulative additions have brought us to this result, so how much longer do we have to postpone this update? I'm going to go for the end of June, so if it's ready before then, you'll be in for a pleasant surprise. It'll also avoid pushing too hard on my dear Selenyhr, who's been running at full throttle for months now.

My apologies again for this report, it will be the last.

Please take care of yourselves.

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Great choices you've made overall. Plus, your developing this game the way you want to not how other people want you to while respectfully taking on criticism.

Although for Asami and Sayuri. It would be cool if you did add a little something spicy content you get with Sayuri for those who chose to go with Asami's love route. Sayuri gives me those Tsuki Uzaki vibes. Would be funny and cool if there was a scene where there was an accident between MC and Sayuri. 

Cant wait till release date! Keep going at it!


(Sorry for my poor English) Well, just slow it down. I am a player of ver 0.9 and I wanna say the game is quite good. Interesting plots, beautiful and well-desgined characters and of course, erotic sexual scenes made me play this game for a whole night and yet I am still enjoying it. Harem route are excellent but a single for every heroine will be much better as it is boring to be always surrounded by different girls and women. So just take your time and try your best to produce the best for us. We have sufficient time to wait for a new surprise as I have expected. Everyone including me would rather wait for the update due to the postponement than receiving a not-yet-finished defective product which will finally waste our time. Come on, you guys can do it.


Any updates on when the game will be ready?

Also, on the topic of Sayuri and Asami, all those people whining about your decision?
Fuck'em. It's your game, it's your story, i'm gonna tell you one thing right now, a decision that has ALWAYS ruined games for years, that decision is: You give the players everything they want.

That's how you ruin a game 100%. You start moving out of your own script, your vision,  you start giving everything that the crybabies want, that goes against what you think it's best and that's when everything starts going down the drain.

Giving the players everything they want, is how you ruin a game 100%

There's has NEVER been a case where giving what the players want has ever been successful. EVER!

Stick to your script, one thing is taking feedback, another is you giving everything to the players.

You ever played ARPG's? Try to imagine yourself starting a complete new expansion on a ARPG with every piece of gear you wanted for your character/build. You're going to quit and get tired of it in 1 day.

Another example, I'm going to avoid spoilers, anyone here is watching Mushouku?

If so, have you watched the lastest episodes? You think it would be even as half as impactful as it was the latest episodes if the writer submitted to the crybabies that wanted everything that didn't happen?

That's my take, but you do you. 

I just know for experience, you twist your arm, you change script, all to cater to some people that want everything, and that's how you crash and burn.

Don't even think about giving the option to have the 2 of them if you trully believe that is the right choice.

If they want the other, let them replay it for that.

I'm assuming that if you give the 2 options you will have to change your entire script and screw up your best ideas for story development.

But those are my 2 cents. You do you

(2 edits) (+4)

First, go learn the difference between other games and this one before saying F or whatever to others for wanting a good outcome for a game without giving some random BS about reality!

Those other games become a mess when you have to add a lot of stuff in order to give everyone what they want. This game is about choices and having a route of both Sayuri & Asami wouldn't ruin the game!

Of course you'll find absolute random & irrelevant arguments to defend your take giving how are hell bent on talking Sh*8 about people who actually want a good outcome! But Okay, have at it at your own fantasy!

The thing is, more than half of the people want a route for Asami & Sayuri, you  can cry about it saying that "They shouldn't be given everything," but there's something known as "Player Feedback." Now, that might be a new term to you, but world is a big place. 

Go find out instead of being salty that people don't agree with your take!


Here's where the dumb idiots come in to try to justify their point of view without taking into account the repercurssions for it.

Tell me, have you ever wrote a story? EVER?

If no, i'll tell you something, there's nothing more frustrating then to have simps telling you what to do in your OWN SCRIPT.

Now, are you the one writing the story? No 

Are you the one making the game? No 

Are you the one that knows what it entails to make a changes in routes so that you can get what you want and force the guy writing the story having to make changes and think everything anew from that point onwards that he already wrote?

First learn the difference of what you want and what is better for the game, and not what is better for your own selfish feelings.

Exactly, this game is about choices, LIKE YOU SAID. So choose. One or the other, instead of telling him to change the entire script so that you can get what you want, and again, reality check, since i don't care that you don't give a random BS about reality, cause you're still going to take it, and that is, changing script to please randoms that want it all ruins story progression. You know why? Because it's not you that is writing it.

But if you want a game that gives you every single option on every single route because the guy in charge gave in to demands, man go ahead, you have thousands of game that went down the drain for it. Go and play them. REALITY that you hate so much.

"Player Feedback" isn't the same as trying to demand and force your agendas into a script.
Reality Check: "Let me bang them both because "I WANT IT" isn't feedback. It's selfish demands. Learn the difference

Take your own advice then? Go find out how many don't agree with your take as well.

The biggest difference here is: I'm not the one telling him to do something he doesn't want to do. You are. What is worse.
Ups another Reality Check.

(4 edits) (+4)

You've got those same vibes of someone who thinks if a person is not a part of something, their worth is irrelevant! Again with the same rant? If people give high ratings to your opinion, then it's okay? But if not, you immediately switch to insulting them with your logic of "Have you written a story? Are you the one making it?"

And it seems you give a slot of shit about those thousands of game that supposedly "went downhill" because of the Harem route choice! That's just your own fckin opinion you are spitting because you are salty and butthurt. Even for this game RNG is not doing it because that course of action ruins the game, but because of a different reason and people genuinely don't want that!

Your entire fckin argument is all about "it making sense only when it's convenient to me" and you don't even realize that when that's the very first thing you start with in your statement!

And as for your "about choices" argument? I already said that it was better to not have Sayuri as a candidate at all to begin with. I didn't care up until she was shown as "just a character" in ver 0.7! Showing her then locking her out is what people don't want! 

And even if I wrote a story, even if it was good, your personal opinion would have my game included in those "1000's of game which went downhill" according to you. 

And if my game was actually bad and people hated it and rated it low, it will be my own fault! I wouldn't want a retard like you defending "my choices for my own game." LoL just imagining that scenario makes me wonder...

Just stop being a sorry loser, your hypocrisy is all over the wall!

Keep getting triggered for all I care!

Your whole argument is "That will ruin the game because I think so!"

(1 edit) (+4)

The whole Sayuri thing just feels so inconsistent when it's possible to have Noriko and Yasuka be okay with it, but Asami and Sayuri is a no go.

I think what most players (including me) are unhappy about is that there's not even an option available. If you don't want Asami and Sayuri to share you, or if you want them to, there should be a way for the player to choose either. But players don't even get that choice.

I mean, I get it. It's the author's story and he's supposed to write the story that he wants, not the other way around. I'd be frustrated if I had to cater to other people's demands instead of coming up with a work that's truly my own. I'm honestly thankful that we can play this amazing game in the first place. Maybe slightly disappointed now, but I don't regret buying this and I'll still play it.

Yeah but I just want them to add an orgasm scene/animation for Noriko here. Cuz it feels weird to see the MC cums on other girls, but not Noriko.

(1 edit) (+1)(-8)

People down here are seriously exaggerating how bad adding the design of locking characters out from certain paths is. 

RNGeusEX, DO WHAT YOU WANT, this is your game and vision, and while it is important to listen to feedback if they are FICKLE enough to start disliking the game based on characters getting locked out from certain paths - a design to make player agency matter; something that has been used almost since the dawn of video games(lol, now look who is exaggerating); a design choice that has been used in games like these before, and rightfully so - and decide to stop playing the game because of that..honestly, it sounds like a 'them' problem.

I mean seriously, and this is not to attack anyone but listen to some of the arguments against your decision. ''This is a game, you are supposed to have fun'' We all know damn well that 'fun' doesn't mean everything in the game goes your way in a video game, LOL. I know it's apples and oranges but do those people think gamers have fun all the way playing Dark Souls or Elden Ring? Speaking of apples and oranges, another argument(and, respectfully, the one which lacks the most common sense) is the one that uses the logic that just because a certain character(Asami) is okay with a situation of sharing their lover with another person and/or share their lover with their lover's step-parent(Yasuka) - it means they would be okay with sharing their lover with their own parent(Sayuri)? People...don't let this genre numb your senses on this topic, lol, we all know sharing your partner with someone else is one thing, but sharing with YOUR parent is something else entirely different. I mean don't get me wrong, people have those kinks, but a lot of people in open relationships also don't, and Dev can write the characters that way. It's funny, people say they don't want ''reality'' or ''real-world logic'' but when they try to speak on it, they are far off base, lol. Sorry, I'm not trying to offend anyone but jeez. Also, how can that logic be applied here? Maybe I'm not reading properly, but the logic for the dev is that the mother wouldn't want to get between their child whether the child is alright with it or not, how does it matter here? Put in perspective that the mother hasn't been flashed out yet, so if her character is that she has boundaries then so be it.

Lastly, Harem means multiple partners, lovers, etc not ALL OF THEM. RNGeusEx, you have done nothing that goes against the game and what this game is about, lol. Do not listen to the people saying locking out characters doesn't make sense for this game, that is far from the facts of this genre.

Edit: I should mention that funny enough, I'm also sad that Sayuri has to be locked out and I can understand where they are coming from. But again, Dev, your choice is perfectly valid and I'd argue you are making a proper game with player agency. So go ahead and do what you are doing.


In short - "It should make sense when I think it should, and it shouldn't when I think it shouldn't!"

All that rant to switch between other games and this one. Then more rant about about "what I think is the right thing and how others are wrong."

People have already described what kind of game they expect from RNG, and that's why they support RNG. Saying "do whatever you want" is basically "fck you for supporting me, I'll do whatever I want!"

Just the type of mentality you need when you want an outcome such as "Devil Is A Part Timer" Manga.

Sure you can do whatever you want, just don't blame others when the game takes a dip and many players just decide to leave. Of course you wouldn't give Sh*8, but I wonder how RNG would fee about alienating a good amount of followers!

Just read this, and not sure if it's worth even replying to after 9 months, but here goes.

In short - "It should make sense when I think it should, and it shouldn't when I think it shouldn't!"

What does this even pertain to?

All that rant to switch between other games and this one. Then more rant about about "what I think is the right thing and how others are wrong."

Describing what I wrote without saying what is right or wrong about it doesn't bring value, you know? Also, switch between other games? Dude, it's a small reference to two games. Also, the fact that you perceive my statements as just ''rants'' even though they're trying to break down weak logic while being logical itself goes to show you didn't read.

People have already described what kind of game they expect from RNG, and that's why they support RNG. Saying "do whatever you want" is basically "fck you for supporting me, I'll do whatever I want!"

That's a terrible oversimplification of what I said. Twisted even. So I can't even say much here since it's not even accurate to what I have stated.

Sure you can do whatever you want, just don't blame others when the game takes a dip and many players just decide to leave. Of course you wouldn't give Sh*8, but I wonder how RNG would fee about alienating a good amount of followers!

9 months later, the game is still going strong, lol.

(5 edits) (+5)

Okay, I also think that locking one Character out of a route for having chosen one choice or the other is not something I'd enjoy or that it makes sense for this game. I mean think about it. It's a game, and you're here to enjoy the game. Either you don't get us attached to a character at all by not having that character as a choice, that way we won't feel anything if that character if left out. Or if you're doing it anyway, commit to go through it completely. It's really saddening to see a character with feelings left out! Locking out Sayuri or Asami for for a choice doesn't make sense considering we have all the other characters which are fine with that scenario but not Sayuri.

That's like saying that Sayuri is ok with having a relationship with a person who is also involved in a relationship with others, especially like Noriko & Yasuka, but cannot come to the terms with the fact that her daughter also likes MC. So she either wants to lie to herself about her feelings by restricting herself, or she wants MC to set boundaries with her daughter. Honestly, how does that make sense for this game considering all the things that have happened so far in this game?

If story is well done and shows the struggles of them both coming together, no one would even think about it and would rather really enjoy it. But having such choice just leaves a sour taste in my opinion. 

You are just left with a thought "what if I had chosen that?" You go to your last save, you choose a different choice, that's all well and good, but that sour feeling never goes away!

I hope, in future, a route involving both of them is included. Asami & Sayuri!

(1 edit) (+5)

Honestly, I was waiting from 0.7, but it was really saddening to realize the course of action taken for Asami & Sayuri!

I guess this game is going to leave a sour taste as well!

I didn't even knew that Sayuri would become a contender, so I was okay. But now that I know that she is, and choosing either Sayuri or Asami would lock the other one out, it does feel sour. That's what I mean. Why have them there just to leave them out?

This is actually the reason I hate Harem. Why have someone show feelings for MC only to have them excluded later? Just don't include them at all or commit fully!

Hearing this, I don't know if I even want to continue playing this game anymore. 

I mean me being one less player is of less significance anyway, so I may as well do that...


Please listen to your Audience! Please!

We love your work, but there's a reason for it! Don't deny us that...


So many of us want a route with Asami & Sayuri both 😭


Pretty Please?!


Bro... Why the mother almost got NTR'd??😢😢you know I hate that damn thing, and pleaseeeee PLEASEEEE no more sexual things from that thugs🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no more pleaseee!!!! I'm getting sick of the girls getting f*c,k by those thugs and that pig brat who looked like CaseOh. Please, I'm begging🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no more NTR and s£x scenes from those men🙏🏻🙏🏻 let my Boy get his peaceful life🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Thank you.


tf you mean looked like caseoh? its not even close and he's very sweet. i know your fat uncle raped you but that doesn't mean every obese person is bad and looked the same🙏


cringe attempt at being edgy. just be offended by what they said and move on weirdo


IDGAF bro, pig is pig your father prob looked like Netoru. 


Don't worry and take your time


when are we gonna get the update bud?

Deleted post

I'd rather wait a little longer than some buggy crap like every triple A title that comes out at the moment

You're doing a great job and your game is a lot of fun and when it's ready I'll be twice as happy <3


Thanks for the update. Please take the time you need to get it right. I look forward to playing it when it's ready!


How can you not be worried on the mother almost getting NTR'd bro??🙁🙁, it gives a lot of headache it's just, disgusting to watch lmao

I mean, it was pretty clear to me from early on that the story was going to be on the darker side. I like that about the game - the characters go through some shit and I think that makes the fun stuff more rewarding.


A little disappointed to hear about the decision to have one character lock you out of another. But I love the game enough so far that I'm still very excited to see the next installment.





(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I can't wait to see what plot-twist you all are preparing. (I mean, i can it's just a turn of phrase) 
That's the first game I bought on because of the story and animations.
I understand your choice with Sayuri. Asami is already being nice with accepting the fact that we date our step-mother and other girls. It would have been too much if we also date her mom.
But like you said if it was still possible there should be consequences to stay coherent




Honestly I respect the choice to make Asami and Sayuri's routes mutually exclusive, if people are that desperate to see them both in quick succession, that's what the gallery's for


How does that add anything to the story?

With that course of action, you're only locking out a character. I can 100% bet that nobody would have thought much about it had it not been included or said so by the author and would’ve been equally enjoyed by the players.

This choice only leaves a sour taste with a feeling of "What if?!"


Eh? You're not totally wrong but I think it adds a bit of replayability, which this game has but not a ton of right now. It's a decision that has good and bad aspects, but I think having a bit more player choice is always good, even if that means you can't see everything in a single playthrough. Plus it means the characters will act a little bit more, well, in-character, and the story is definitely one of the best aspects of this game in my opinion.

So yeah I get where you're coming from but I think the positives outweigh the negatives for me.


I don't think that for an offline game where play hours hardly matters or that it's even counted, replayability matters! A House in the Rift, I still replay it with each major update because the Story is good, not because of the sex scenes only! Same for My Real Desires and Once in a Lifetime!

Locking Sayuri & Asami out and making them mutually exclusive is, imo, is a waste of Art and a potential for a good story where they come together after struggling.

Anyway, I'm done with this game. I won't play it. As I said, it would've been much better to not show a character have any feelings for MC only to lock them out rather than showing them have feelings and then making it so one choice locks someone out! That is annoying asf!

I also would've loved if it was one-on-one love story, but it's not! I certainly don't like the mix of "you can have a certain number of girls (which obviously is unreal in the first place), then you can't have those few (because now suddenly it needs to make sense)." 

It's really not genuine if you can't stick to a certain thing! That's also a reason I hate Harem, because most are half-a$$ed and changed in between just because of "maintaining reality & what people would say!'


Hopefully the harem route will be added in a later update, at least we should have a choice. We have sex with Yasuka and Noriko but can't have sex with Asami and Sayuri in the same route. I love them and excluding either one of them out would make me sad. I know it's a difficult thing to do but I'm sure you can do it


mega based with regards to asami-sayuri. don't listen to the weak-minded among us, what makes your game truly special is the 'realism', please don't compromise that.


What "realism"? Weak minded because we want to love all the girls? The game is special because we can have all the girls, because WE are not forced to compromise.


"weak minded because we want to love all the girls?"

literally yes lmfao


Just bcuz something isn't your cup of tea doesn't mean those who like it are weak minded or some shit 

Mind ur words cuz that's pure narcism 

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