Bad news

Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I know that many of you are waiting for the fateful announcement of the release of version 0.9 but to my great regret it won't be possible for the end of May.

We've done all we can to meet the deadline, but we have to face the facts: we're not ready.

So what's missing? You have the right to know.

- In the first instance, feedback from the beta has been plentiful, and thanks to you we've been able to make much faster progress. However, there are still many things to correct and optimize. Lots of sound problems, sudden crashes etc.
- Another point: I've written much more for this update than for all the others. 
> There's the road Noriko Femdom
> Alternative choices for Sakuya for those who didn't like not being able to refuse our yandere's advances.
> [SPOILER] An Asami "just friends" route if you don't want to get romantically involved with her. This route will be necessary to unlock the route with Sayuri at 0.10 (the route with sexual intercourse). Why do you ask? Well, in my opinion, even if Sayuri seems a bit of a tease, she'd never do something like go out with her daughter's boyfriend, however... If that girl is just a friend, then there are no more rules ;). I wanted to keep a minimum of coherence in this universe, I'm not really a fan of harem type games where the MC can have all the girls he wants without any consequences, making one choice rather than another adds a little more spice to this story.[/SPOILER]
 - Plus all the invisible extras you can't see but which are necessary.

All these cumulative additions have brought us to this result, so how much longer do we have to postpone this update? I'm going to go for the end of June, so if it's ready before then, you'll be in for a pleasant surprise. It'll also avoid pushing too hard on my dear Selenyhr, who's been running at full throttle for months now.

My apologies again for this report, it will be the last.

Please take care of yourselves.

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Bro... Why the mother almost got NTR'd??😢😢you know I hate that damn thing, and pleaseeeee PLEASEEEE no more sexual things from that thugs🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no more pleaseee!!!! I'm getting sick of the girls getting f*c,k by those thugs and that pig brat who looked like CaseOh. Please, I'm begging🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no more NTR and s£x scenes from those men🙏🏻🙏🏻 let my Boy get his peaceful life🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Thank you.

Don't worry and take your time

when are we gonna get the update bud?


I'd rather wait a little longer than some buggy crap like every triple A title that comes out at the moment

You're doing a great job and your game is a lot of fun and when it's ready I'll be twice as happy <3

Thanks for the update. Please take the time you need to get it right. I look forward to playing it when it's ready!

How can you not be worried on the mother almost getting NTR'd bro??🙁🙁, it gives a lot of headache it's just, disgusting to watch lmao

A little disappointed to hear about the decision to have one character lock you out of another. But I love the game enough so far that I'm still very excited to see the next installment.





(1 edit) (+2)

I can't wait to see what plot-twist you all are preparing. (I mean, i can it's just a turn of phrase) 
That's the first game I bought on because of the story and animations.
I understand your choice with Sayuri. Asami is already being nice with accepting the fact that we date our step-mother and other girls. It would have been too much if we also date her mom.
But like you said if it was still possible there should be consequences to stay coherent




Honestly I respect the choice to make Asami and Sayuri's routes mutually exclusive, if people are that desperate to see them both in quick succession, that's what the gallery's for


Hopefully the harem route will be added in a later update, at least we should have a choice. We have sex with Yasuka and Noriko but can't have sex with Asami and Sayuri in the same route. I love them and excluding either one of them out would make me sad. I know it's a difficult thing to do but I'm sure you can do it


mega based with regards to asami-sayuri. don't listen to the weak-minded among us, what makes your game truly special is the 'realism', please don't compromise that.


What "realism"? Weak minded because we want to love all the girls? The game is special because we can have all the girls, because WE are not forced to compromise.


Just bcuz something isn't your cup of tea doesn't mean those who like it are weak minded or some shit 

Mind ur words cuz that's pure narcism 


take your time in the kitchen, chefs, you've already shown us that you can cook, now we've just gotta show you that we can be patient. o7


Please RNGeusEX, give us the option to pursue romantic path for both Asami and her mother instead of sacrificing one for the other.  May be it is a lot to ask for but this is a Harem game and we are here for that. Please brother hear our plea. 🙇‍♂️



honestly, kinda based

Sayuri looking super hot in the pic.her MILF body, I just want to devour it all. Back to back bang bang and creampies.😍😍


Agreed, but Im never going to pick her over Asami. At least in my main save.

Hard choice to make but I will have to sacrifice Asami.

I get it, but a cute tomboy girl like Asami, and she's into anal? No way im giving that up.


If AAA Devs have taught us anything it's that rushing things ruins your project.  Take your time and release as polished of a game/update as you can that's all we ask for.


>it will be the last

Bro don't. If you need the time by all means take it. As much as I want more stuff - especially a Sayuri route - I don't want that over your health. So don't work yourself to the bone, please.

Keep at it, without disregarding yourself, please.



If you don't think its ready, then its not ready. we will wait and salivate.


Well, we all know what they say! LET HIM COOK!!!


In my estimation, if you're giving us a Sakuya route, I am willing to forgive a whole hell of a lot. And your work is such high quality I really really can't begrudge you your lateness. Your transparency lends you credibility. Plus, so many of the girls are already willing to share, it's fine if some just aren't as into it. 

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